How can U sleep so much on his back?
, 03-03-2014 at 09:42 PM (938 Views)
It was another super cold day today. Tomorrow should be warmer, but it won't be much warmer. It's not the days we have to worry about anyway, because we are awake and moving around. It's the nights that are brutal. Since we're sleeping, there's a chance we'll sleep to deeply and not wake up to check the stove and stoke the fire. I just put in two pieces, so it is back to being completely full. Lately, Mom has been getting up more to check it. But there's always that chance that it will go out during the night.
I used what canned pumpkin I had left in the fridge to make another batch of pumpkin cookies. And this time I chocolate frosting as well as white frosting for them. Mom says they taste good with the chocolate. I think they look like small piles of crap, but they do taste nice. The reason for the chocolate frosting was because I ran out of the white.
I sent an Email to the Square Enix's customer service department today. I still haven't received my copy of Thief, and I haven't heard anything from them since they sent me the Email with the download code for The Bank Heist. Anyway, I asked about the current status of the order, and I haven't heard from them yet. The website said it would take a minimum of 24 hours, so I will wait. I hope it's not like this in a couple weeks when I am supposed to get both Lightning Returns and Final Fantasy X/X-2. I already have been waiting for Lightning Returns for three weeks now. I don't want to have to wait more that I agreed to because of an error with their store.
And in gaming today, I earned a trophy in LittleBigPlanet. It's a fun game. Just something to do when I don't feel like playing anything else. And I am working on completing the Cie'th Stone missions in Final Fantasy XIII. I have finished the missions 1-6. And I finished a playthrough of 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. And oh my gosh, did I get what is probably the worst of the six endings. For those that have played the game, you should know what ending I mean when I say I received the Submarine Ending. And for those that haven't played it, all you really know is that a submarine appears in the ending.
And I've been thinking. The story of 999 would be a great one for an actual movie. That's just my opinion though. I wouldn't mind seeing a movie made of it.
And I went and bought something my brother might like. I saw a copy of Gran Turismo 5 on sale, and bought it. He likes the Gran Turismo series, and so I figured he'd finally want to take a break from working and play it once in a while. I also found cheap copies of Assassin's Creed and the Ezio Trilogy of Assassin's Creed as well, and bought them.
Finally, Mom has been using the laptop computer lately. She really likes it. She even used in her room today as well. I haven't been using it lately, so at least it's being used by someone. My computer usage has been cut down recently. I haven't been spending hours on end watching YouTube videos. I have started watching Running Man again. I started at the beginning again, and I am already up to episode 5. I mainly just play games now.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...