He Finally Opened Up...
, 12-27-2012 at 07:56 PM (1184 Views)
It was very cold this morning. Even with two heaters pointed toward me, the office was still cold while I folded my papers. The owner came to get her portion of the papers, and we chatted. She told me that I was doing a great job with composing. And we talked about how Gabby wrote out that insertion order I had trouble finding the ad. Then she left, I finished folding, and went on my way in the cold to deliver news to the masses of Peebles. Iris was still sick, so I didn't get my paycheck today. I will be getting it either tomorrow or whenever I am in town next.
After I got home, I brought some firewood in, put the collars I bought on the cats, and took a nap. Riding a bicycle in the cold today took a lot out of me. Then a few hours later, Dad woke me up by telling U to wake me up. U is the most obedient cat I have seen in a long time. He rubbed up against me and licked my face. And all because Dad told him to.
I made tuna salad for dinner today. It was good.
But the big news of the day is that my brother actually talked to me about stuff. I asked if there was anything I could do to fix his Facebook account. He said that it had been hacked, and I offered to change his password and stuff for him. It wasn't difficult. The hardest thing was having him decide on a password. He ended up taking my password suggestion, and so now both he and I know what it is. I did offer to turn my head away so he could put one in himself, but he said he didn't mind if I knew. At least we know that if he forgets it, I will still know what it is.
Then we chatted about how one of Aunts is kicking the rest of our family's butts at Bejeweled Blitz. She can get 500,000+ points each week. I got lucky last week and managed to get a higher score than her (623,400 to her 600,100). But as the new tournament started yesterday, she is already in first place with 502,500 points. Normally, I can't get more 300,000 points.
Anyway, we walked back to the living room and started talking about who hacked his Facebook account. Then, he told me about his trip to the Steve Wilkos Show, and what he had to do. He also told me there are rumors that Hoochie HoBag and the rest of the HoBag clan are planning to jump state in order to prevent my brother from seeing his daughter (alleged daughter, tests still have not been done to determine if he is the father - Steve Wilkos didn't offer one apparently). I told him if that happens, then he should file an Amber Alert or go on America's Most Wanted or something. There is no reason why he shouldn't see his alleged kid.
It was really nice that he felt comfortable with me to tell me these things. He hasn't been like that for years. I guess he finally knows that I am not going anywhere, and that I am always available to listen.
The plan tomorrow is to work on my animated short. I still have two seconds finished, but I think I may scrap them and start over. I should probably start small and make a short about inanimate objects first. That way, I don't have a whole bunch of moving parts to deal with, or voiceovers to do, or a lot more other work.
I also have to deliver in Sinking Spring tomorrow. And maybe get my check so I will have some more money. Dad says he doesn't have enough to pay the electric bill on time. I told him that I would have enough, but he said he would then have to pay me back. Really, he just doesn't want me to have more power over the house. I have him right where I want him. I did say a while ago that I was going to show him that he needed me more than I need him, and that way he would end up realizing that I am right and he's wrong. He is currently trying his best to prove me wrong. It's not working, but it's entertaining to watch him try. (insert evil genius laugh, because I laugh more like an evil PowerPuff Girl). Another thing, but something that can be completed any time, is to make a list of all the businesses that have run in the paper since I started composing. That way, I can look at the list and find which issue to get an ad from. It will eliminate any trouble I may have in the future when I am given an improperly written insertion order. And I like to make lists.
I bought a 2013 calendar today. I don't like calendars with pictures, even though the kitten ones look so adorable. I like plain ones, and I bought the only one they had. I also bought a planner for work and some new permanent markers.
I think when I go shopping after my birthday I will buy a flash drive. It will allow me to not have to send things via E-mail from my home computer to the office computer. And it may come in handy as well.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums. And until that time comes...