If one of them wasn't enough...
, 05-11-2014 at 05:00 AM (698 Views)
Yesterday Joey had a friend stay over. That was certainly fun. Especially when Joey thought it funny to jump on me, causing me to bump into his brand new John Deere neon light and break it. The kid really needs to lay off on the glazed doughnuts and gatorade. Anyway, he was basically just showing how much fun he could be, and thought the best way to do that was to hand on my back and choke me. It didn't stop there. He had a pillow fight with him being the only one interested in it. Which of course meant that I was shielding myself from flying pillows. I was glad when it became bedtime. It meant I was free from the insanity. And now as I type this, I have my bedroom door shut. I want to be in peace as long as possible. That may only be for the next thirteen minutes, because I have to feed Luca and the kittens at 8 o'clock.
I received Sly 4 in the mail yesterday. The game looks so much different than the PS2 games. It's almost as if it's another game series entirely. I didn't play it myself, instead choosing to let Joey try it out. He's closer to getting to play it, seeing as he's in Sly 3, while I am crawling along in Sly 2. But I did watch him play. I like how the coins look. Sly and the other characters look deformed. I guess HD really requires some improvements to designs. Oh well, after reading the back of the case (because it doesn't come with a manual), I think I will like the story. And that's all that really matters.
Our plan to have a picnic at the park, and the one to have my brother grill lunch at his place, are cancelled. Since Mom isn't in Peebles right now, and my brother doesn't live in Peebles anymore. I sent a text message to Mom this morning and wished her a happy Mother's Day. Then we got to talking about a new plan. Mom says she is going to stop by here and visit instead. I hope it happens. I don't want another Easter. But I am also not going to plan anything food-wise until she is here. You know, just in case.
Well, that's about it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...