I hear the sirens, are they coming for him...?
, 05-09-2014 at 08:57 PM (671 Views)
Since the last entry, I have learned that there is now a warrant for my brother's arrest. That is the only thing I know that subject. I asked what was going on, but I got no reply. Mom is currently in a place with bad reception. But it seems rather weird. The text message I received didn't read like what Mom would say. The message I got said my brother's name and not what we call him, and it used what other people call Dad instead of what Mom calls Dad. I am not sure Mom was the one who sent the message. I don't know what to think. Should I be worried? Scared? Concerned that someone other than Mom is using her phone? In the end, it leaves me frustrated.
Anyway, not a lot has happened in the last twelve hours. I took a nap. I played some of Nier in the hopes of getting the materials needed to upgrade my weapons. I am becoming discouraged about the whole thing, really. I think what I am going to do is go ahead and see the fourth ending. It will cause me to have every save file deleted, but it is probably best at this point. It will take me forever to upgrade all 30 weapons. Especially since I have learned that I have missed my chance on quickly earning some of the items because I can no longer get to one of the areas in the game. And honestly, I want to see the fourth and final game ending. There is a fifth ending, but it is in print only. If anything, I will upgrade enough weapons to get the second of the trophies, and then see ending D and get that trophy. Then, if at some point I play the game again, I will focus on collecting items for weapons and earn the third weapon trophy and the Platinum.
I am also working on my save file of Sly 2. I earned one trophy for it today. I think after this is posted, I will play some more until I become tired enough to go to sleep. Thinking back on it, I don't know why I stopped playing. Sly 2 isn't difficult. And from the point I stopped, there wasn't that much of the game left to play. So one goal for this weekend is to earn the trophies for this game.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...