And why should I help you?
, 10-28-2013 at 10:47 PM (753 Views)
So, let's try this again. Google Chrome crashed when I opened a picture.
Today my brother and Dad were in the garage all day working on the vehicles they let pile up (not literally). It's kind of hard to work on stuff when you're off spending time doing anything but what you are paid to do. I honestly don't see how they keep customers. If I had a car, I would not let either of them touch the thing, let alone look under the hood. Of course, they would never be here to actually work on it, so I wouldn't have anything to worry about.
While I was outside giving my brother the phone because someone called, Dad asked if I would be helping split firewood tomorrow. I answered that I don't know. And really, I don't know if I want to help. Yeah, splitting firewood makes it more of a guarantee that I won't get cold this winter, but it doesn't pay the bills. And right now especially, I can't be spending time on chores when I need to have X amount of dollars in order to be able to pay for everything. Not only that, I don't want to be anywhere near Dad. Seeing him makes my blood boil. If I were to help him cut firewood, I may feel the urge to throw a stick of wood at him.
Today in my gaming blog, I talk about how in video games, the character have all of these items but never seem to have anything to contain them all. It originally started as a thought I had while playing Oblivion today. My character practically has a small library on his person, and yet there's no sign of a bookcase or backpack or anything to signify that he is doing anything other than carrying it all around with him in his arms as he runs around the continent.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...