Today was not good at all.
, 01-31-2013 at 10:02 PM (4482 Views)
Today started out just fine. Dad was already awake when I went to feed the animals. He didn't know that today was Thursday, so he got dressed and drove me to work. It was really windy and snowy out at 6:30am when I arrived at the office. I was all excited to be able to start my route earlier, and then be able to be home by 10am.
But that was not meant to be...
The papers were not there when I arrived. I sent a message to Iris, thinking that maybe there was a problem with the paper, and it was just going to be late. I never got a reply back from her. When 8am rolls around, the papers are still not here. I was bored, so I went to the shed to find all the computer discs and books I was asked to find. I found them. And while I was carrying a big tote of them to the office, I slipped on an icy spot. I was fine, the discs were fine. My pants, not so much.
My last pair of actual "pants" now has a tear in them from the bottom of the zipper around to the belt loop on the backside of the pants. It wouldn't have mattered so much if I had been wearing more than just a normal pair of boxers. But when I was getting dressed this morning, I was thinking, "I won't need to bundle up too much, because I am leaving earlier than normal and won't have to be outside as long as I usually do." So, I took my coat and tied it around my waist. Which would have been fine, if it hadn't been so windy and cold today. I did wear two shirts, but both were shorts sleeved. I don't like to wear long sleeve shirts when I wear a coat.
Luckily, my boss was on her way to get her allotted papers, which still hadn't arrived. She brought a pair of jogging pants for me to wear. I delivered newspapers today wearing women's clothes. And that's all I will say about that.
Toward the end of my route, I heard a "pop" in my rear tire. I have heard this sound several times. It is the sound of one of my spokes breaking. Which is just great, because if one breaks, then it is only a matter of time before there are several broken. I asked my brother if he'd be able to fix it. I didn't get a definite answer. So, most likely I will have to ride it until it can't be ridden anymore, and then buy a whole new bike because they don't just sell rear bike rims at Wal-Mart.
I had Dad cash my check today. After that, I went to the Post Office to get a money order. When I get back in the truck, Dad asks why I still buy money orders. Since he gets free checking, I could always just give him the money and he could write a check. Here's what I said...
"I just prefer using money orders."
And here's what I was saying in my head...
"Yeah, I don't trust you in that there's nothing stopping you from cancelling that check and spending the money I give you on some drugged up Floozy or any of those druggie people that you had in the house yesterday. This way, I know where my money is and if for some reason it doesn't get to its destination, there are ways of tracking it down and getting it back. But thank you for offering."
Moving on...
I have never bought Dog Tags before. Dad has always done it. So, all of a sudden, Dad asks me if I was going to get tags for Luca. I said sure, and asked when I had to do it and where could I get it done. He then said that today was the deadline, and I could do it where I get my dog food. He has known about the deadline for years (it doesn't change), why didn't he tell me any of the other possible days (all of January). I really didn't have the money for it, but I did it anyway. So Luca is legal now.
Anyway, all that matters now is that I have the money for my share of the electric bill (which is due tomorrow) and neither Dad nor my brother has their share ready. I also have enough money for whatever my portion of the water bill will be when it arrives (unless my share is more that $50, which if it is then there is a major leak somewhere). I made a substantial payment on my credit card, and now will be able to buy my new messenger bag online once the payment gets processed.
One final thing before I make my normal entry ending. Dad is not here right now. He is out with his drug dealing friends in Cincinnati with Floozy. Personally, I hope the lot of them blow up in a meth lab. They deserve it. After all, the person who always supplied Mom and Dad with the ingredients was here at the house when I came home yesterday (which explains why my brother was the one to pick me up). And Floozy is the one with the connections to all the users with access to money. I don't think I need to tell you that Dad is definitely not sticking to any of the promises he made to both his family and the people who allowed him early release from prison and rehab. It is only a matter of time. And by that time, I will no longer have any love for my father. If he wants to choose to be with his "friends" instead of his family, then I hope he burns in a fiery meth inferno. Only then, will his family not have to worry about him.
I just remembered. I said I would talk about how in the eyes of Iris and Gabby, I am not a guy. You are probably expecting a story, but I don't think there is one. As should know by now, I am not what you would classify as a "normal guy". Not that that is a bad thing. I actually prefer to be me rather than what a normal guy is. And because of who I am and how I behave, I am treated as one of the girls when it comes to the more personal topics that they talk about. And Iris has even said this to me. They do not consider me as a guy, because I don't act like a guy. I don't act like a girl either. I act like a Michael Ray Swayne, who lives next to a Nature Preserve. That's why they thought nothing of it when they crossed that line I mentioned a few days ago. And that's about it.
Anyway, my brother has already said that he will take me to Sinking Spring to deliver the papers. We also need bread, so I guess I will have to buy it. I hate the store in Sinking Spring. I will have to save that story for tomorrow. That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until tomorrow...