I had a really clever title for this entry, but I forgot it while I was washing the dishes.
, 02-01-2013 at 09:21 PM (939 Views)
Okay, so today it was really cold outside. It was so cold outside that it was cold in the house, despite the wood stove being on High. I stayed in bed most of the day. I only came out from under the covers to do necessary things. Like deliver papers in Sinking Spring, record the commentary for my second episode of Boonka, (which you can view for the low low LOW price of free (plus whatever it costs you to pay for the electricity to power your computer or phone or whatever device you see this entry on)
feeding the animals, playing with the animals, and other boring stuff. One thing that was really annoying to do was having to raise up to skip the ads of all the YouTube videos I watched today. That, and having to change the resolution of the videos because YouTube was being a meanie. But other than that, I stayed in bed a lot today.
Some good news to report. Dad paid some of the money he owed me. Yay! Now I am a little closer to being a millionaire! Woohoo! I also discovered that my Dad has no clue about my job. I showed my brother and Dad my calves (they are the BEST part of my leg), and Dad said the following...
"Shouldn't those be getting flabby. You rarely ride your bike now. What is your route? 2? 3 miles?"
I am taken aback by this. After all, he has driven me on my route several times in the last 6.5 years. I gave him this look I am famous for giving people who are totally stupid about something. I gave him the look and said, "22 miles."
"How is it 22 miles?"
My brother stepped in and said, "Every street in Peebles." Then I point out the mileage of each section of my route. Then, Dad is like, well what was it when you were riding back and forth from the house, and I told him 42. Seriously, I told him these things several times and I have written it down in the letters I wrote him while he was away. You would think he would either remember these things or, I don't know, reread the letters once in a while. I read his from time to time. To remind me that he hasn't kept a single promise that he made.
I just remembered the title of this entry, but since I like the new one better now, I will just write the original here,
"Dads say the Darndest Things!"
Yeah, I am kinda glad that I forgot it at the time. Because it really sound stupid. I thought of it while washing dishes, and unfortunately it had to climb back up the drain and somehow reach my brain again. I can't unlive that thought.
Moving on...
Right now, I am watching Gypsy Elder's Twitch Channel! Well, there isn't anything on it right now. But there was when I started this entry. I like watching her play Catherine. It seems like such a fun game! I am going to save up my money, buy a PS3, and then buy this game. It is that fun looking, that I am planning my money weeks ahead of time so I know what I can spend and what I need to take out of my list. And if Dad gets me the rest that he owes, I will be that much closer to my goal! Yay for me!
Anyway, for those of you that don't know, Gypsy's Twitch is
Gypsy Elder
I highly recommend going to her channel and following her, because she plays super neat games like Catherine, includes the audience in her gameplay, and is a fellow TFF member. That last part should be reason enough to go watch; but in the event that it isn't, please refer to the first two that I mentioned.
Some news I received today kinda made me feel down today. I was told today that I messed up the latest issue of the paper. We are having a Valentine's Coloring Contest, and in one of the ads in the paper is supposed to be a heart for people to find to be able to enter to win a bunch of prizes. Well, I put the heart in one of the ads, but the heart did not transfer to the pdf when I was transferring the paper. That sucks! Because I was told that I "have to get some more training". It really isn't a big deal, but to me it is. I was pretty much told to figure everything out for myself when I started this new work. And at the time everything was great, I was being complimented all the time. So it comes as a shock to me that when one inky dinky, tiny, little, nearly microscopic heart does not get transferred over, I have my worked judged so harshly. For all I know, the heart is there on my copy, but just didn't get shown at the press.
Tomorrow is Saturday! I will be doing more of what I did today! Yay for me for not having plans on Saturdays! Woohoo! Seriously though. If Gypsy puts on another broadcast (I closed that tab because there wans't anything happening at the time, and maybe it will start back up in a bit - hope so) I will watch it. Other than that, I may play some video games of my own. I should. I am already a month into the new year and I haven't completed a game yet. This is killing my average. Last year I was at like 2 or three games a month. And now I am doing nothing. Granted, I have more work and less time for gaming. But still, I should game more.
That's it, I have decided. I will play video games tomorrow. Even if it has to be something simple just to get the completion average up, I will do it. If I have to, I will play Slender until I collect all eight pages. Since I have gotten four (once) I can get the other four no problem. As long as I do not have to go in the scary bathroom and look in there for a page. I hate that place. Or QWOP. I can play QWOP. I did today. I managed to reach the hurdle. And then I couldn't get over the hurdle and kicked it out in front of me as I was falling backward. So...yeah.
Well, I am rambling now, so I will end for now. I hope to see you around the forums and until then...
PS, It took me three tries to spell my own name correctly. I am either forgetting what my name is, or there is something wrong with fingers. I am leaning toward the third option, which is that I am finally realizing that Michael was never my name and I am really named something else. What that name is, I do not know. Later!
PS (again), When I was typing that last "Later!", I spelled "Alter!" instead. I think that is neat and may use it in the future. Later!