I finally did it!
, 12-09-2012 at 08:24 PM (756 Views)
The big news of the day is that after three months of losing repeatedly to my father in pool, I finally won tonight's session! I won three games before Dad won for the first time. Then Dad kicked into high gear and before I knew it the score was 6-6. By some magical force or something (as I have very little skill and strategy when I play), I won the last two games. The score was 8-6, with me as the winner! I did play very well tonight, and Dad was quite impressed with how much I've been improving. But yeah, I finally did it!
My sister called the house today. Dad had just left, but she onlty wanted to talk to me. She started in on me over fighting with Dad about what he has been doing lately. She even threatened to "knock my f-ing head off if I continue to keep Dad from being happy". This is coming from the same person who said that Dad had better stop what he's doing or he'll lose my sister as a daughter. I think the two of them bought my sister's approval somehow. She is not easy to change her mind, but they must have done something to her. I on the other hand am not one to be bought.
But you know, what Dad said during our last argument can be said to him as well. If he is unhappy, then he should just move out. That's what he told me. After all, I kept the bills paid while he was away; and now that I am making more money, paying bills won't mean I have to scrimp and save every penny I earn. I am the only member of our family to actually live in our house then entire time we have lived here. Mom and Dad were in prison, my brother got married (and working on getting divorced), and my sister lives with her boyfriend. If anything, this is more my house than anyone else's.
If anyone says to me to move out, then I will throw it in their face that they can move out just as easily. If they aren't happy, then they are free to leave. I won't stop them. At this point, I will help get their stuff out and have a smile on my face while doing it. It's either that, or they live with me being a particular male body part until they realize that I am right and they are wrong.
So, how is everyone? I hope that everyone is getting ready for the holiday season, no matter what holiday they choose to celebrate (if they choose to celebrate one or more of them). Now that my portion of this month's bills are paid, I think I will use my next paycheck to buy gifts for my ungrateful, er, loving family. Sorry, just a tad of frustration from the last paragraphs lingered when I wrote this one. But seriously, I don't expect them to get me anything, as I haven't told them what I want. I will tell them, but not tonight.
1. A new bicycle helmet. The one I have been using broke. So, I have gone back to using the one I bought when I graduated high school. For some reason, my head has gotten smaller, because it is really big on me. It was really tight when I first bought it.
2. A new messenger bag. The one I am using to deliver papers is actually the bag I used in high school to carry my books and stuff. I have had it for 12 years. I had both a blue one and a black one. I use the black one now, because Mom took the blue one and gave it to someone.
3. A mahjong set. Like my fancy glass chess set I bought myself a couple years ago, I don't see myself using it. Not because I don't want to use it, but because I don't have anyone to play with. This I could actually live without, but I still want it to say that I have one.
4. Single-colored shirts without pockets. I don't like wearing shirts with pockets, or shirts with words or pictures on them. I will if it is something I want to represent. For instance, I wore my school shirts during school, and my Messenger shirt that I got from the office. Other than that, I only wear shirts with words ir pictures at home when I know I am not going anywhere. And besides, single-colored shirts are easy to coordinate with pants and shoes.
5. This is something that I wouldn't want until after my birthday. I want to spend a couple hours shopping. Basically, to spend any money I receive for Christmas and my birthday, as well as some of my earnings from work. I want to go to some big store and just walk down every aisle and get whatever I want. I want to check out the toys, games, music, and bicycles. I also want to look into getting my very own pool cue.
I had something else I wanted to write, but it is something that can wait until tomorrow. As you may know, I sleep with two stuffed animals in my bed. Tomorrow, I plan on telling why, and why every person should consider doing the same. That's all for now though. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...