Will they arrive tomorrow?
, 05-22-2013 at 07:23 PM (37594 Views)
I have two things somewhere between Chicago and my house. The first is my new bike. It started its journey in Chicago, and is currently near Columbus, Ohio. I was really hoping that it would be here today. But it isn't here. It's in the same place my PS3 was the day before it arrived. I tried to find out a general time it will be here tomorrow based on the time my PS3 arrived. But eBay doesn't keep records of shipping longer than a few months. If I knew what time it would arrive, I could decide whether to go to work at the normal time or arrive late with my fancy new bicycle.
It's probably best that I go at the usual time. I don't even know if the bicycle is coming assembled or not. I am not sure whether I want it to be assembled or not when it arrives. I want it to not be assembled so it will be safer in the shipping process. If it is in the same FedEx truck that brought my PS3, then I want there to be 20 pounds of bubble wrap around the box it comes in. The packages that were in that truck were just tossed in there with no care as to what was in them. I want it to be assembled that way I can ride it right away. And because I don't think I should be trusted to assemble a bicycle.
On to the second item...
My copy of Ni No Kuni is supposed to be here tomorrow. But it still hasn't reached Ohio yet. It normally doesn't take so long for video games to get here. The estimated time of arrival was four days, but tomorrow will be seven. If a seller wants to boast a 4-day arrival time, then they should at least notify buyers if will take longer than that amount of time.
I have a bicycle waiting for me at the office when I arrive tomorrow to deliver. The problem is how I am going to get to work. There was a chance that Dad might take the truck today. He didn't. But now my brother isn't showing any sign that he is coming home. If he would call and alleviate my worry, I'd appreciate it. But he isn't the type to do that. He cares for no one but himself, so the concerns of his family are not important.
Dad visited for about ten minutes today. He came in my room and said "I can see." I replied with I don't care. He was expecting me to be happy or excited for him, and he seemed down that I didn't meet his expectations. After all, why should I care for someone who would rather be with some drug dealing floozy than with his family?
But enough of that for today.
I am not exactly excited that my bike will most likely be here tomorrow. I was at first, when I had just ordered it. But now I am over it. I saved up my money and worked to get it. Now it will be here soon. And it won't be like when I got the PS3. I won't be home to get the bike. Unless I work really fast and get home before they arrive. I will have to check the status of the delivery online while I am working. That way I can have my brother sign for it if necessary. If I think there is enough time, then I can have him take me back home when I finish.
Moving on...
I recorded to episodes for my YouTube channel. Both are video game song episodes. I haven't edited them yet. I am planning on doing that tomorrow when I get home. Tomorrow is also when my family is having a big dinner (as if the one I managed to avoid on Sunday wasn't enough). I am not going to it, and they should know that by now.
Well, I have to get ready for tomorrow. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...