I didn't get last place!
, 02-28-2014 at 10:06 PM (1414 Views)
Today after coming home from Sinking Spring, I focused on practicing for the Hearthstone tournament I entered. By the time all of the contestants had to check-in, there were sixteen people signed up. However, after the check-ins were finished, there were only five people that bothered to do so. But then the person in charge didn't even start the brackets until 8pm, one hour after we were told.
Of the five of us, three were given byes into the semi-finals. Two had to fight for that fourth spot. As luck would have it, I was one of the two. So, I sent the friend request via Hearthstone to my opponent in order to request a match. And then I waited. And waited. For 30 minutes I waited. I sent a message to both the organizer and the person who would be going up against either me or my opponent in the next round. The organizer about the no-show, and the future opponent about why it was taking so long.
In the end, I won by default. It wasn't until a couple hours later that my original opponent came back and asked for a match. So, I was in the semi-finals, and I was actually going up against someone. And then just like that, I lost two straight matches. I lost all of my health both times, and my opponent had 23 health each time. So now, I am in the Bronze match for 3rd place. In fact, the tournament is still going, because for some reason the brackets aren't updating properly. Anyway, here's how things look.
I guess we'll continue it when we can. I just hope the tournament on Sunday is in better shape that this one was. There now fifty-two people signed up. I hope there are more than five people that actually compete. There's still time to sign up as well. The prize for first place is $100, and second place receives $25. All of the information can be found here. If yo ugo against me though, I ask that you take it easy on me. I am not good at this game at all, and I only joined for fun and the experience of being in a competitive gaming environment. My name in the tournament and in Hearthstone is me3lingual (Hearthstone - me3lingual#1253).
Let's see...
Mom spent the evening with friends. My sister called. My brother brought his ex-girlfriend over and their in his room. Mom is really ticked-off, because it is technically breaking her parole by having another parolee in the house with her. Dad came and split us some firewood, with Mom's and my help. If I hadn't have helped, they would have given up long before we stopped cutting. They couldn't have lifted those heavy pieces without me. Oh, and I baked some more pumpkin cookies.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...