Hopefully as I write this a title will come forth...
, 02-07-2013 at 08:38 PM (833 Views)
This morning I woke up four minutes before my alarm clock was set to go off. It really served no purpose to wake up at 5:26am, because I couldn't leave the house until 7:30am. I don't want people to worry that someone will hit me with their car if it isn't light out, so I waited.
While I was waiting, Floozy came over. And instead of leaving because Dad was asleep, she stayed in our living room. It was a good thing I rode to work this morning, because it gave me enough time to cool down at how rude and bad she is. Clearly someone's life sucks so much that she has to come to other people's houses so she can make people just as bad as her. I mean, the person she came to see was asleep, and stayed asleep until after I left. The should be her first clue to, I don't know, come back later!!!!
I arrived at work at 8:08 (38 minute bike ride, Woo!) and started folding my papers. Pam came at 9am to get her papers. And by 11:20am, I was finished with my route. Then, I tidied up the menu and sent it to Pam for proofing. It looks so good! But more on that later.
I called the house, and like usual, no one answered. Then I called my brother. He and Dad were at Grandma's. Which kinda ruined my plan of getting my check cashed and getting a ride home. I was going to suggest that they bring the water bill so I can pay it and get my check cashed. But since they were already at Grandma's, I rode to her house instead. Then things got busy at the office, and the twenty minutes I told my brother it would take me to ride to her house became almost an hour. I can't help it, it's my job (that I wasn't getting paid for).
Anyway, after coming home, I took a nap. During this nap, I had a dream where I was a barber (weird, since I don't like getting a haircut) in like 1910s Chicago. It was strange, because I have never been to Chicago nor do I know anything about what it looked like in the 1910s (though I received all A's in history classes, I never liked it). From what I remember there were three of us, I was a partner with a female hairdresser, and we had hired a young person to help clean up the place. Anyway, by the end of the dream, the radio we had announced the the America was entering World War I. And the radio somehow became futuristic and visible words were coming out of its speakers. Like in the cartoons. Then, I woke up because it got too weird for me to want to stay longer. And for some reason, U was there too. He was like the shop's mascot.
While Dad and my brother were out in the garage, the phone rang. And I could not find the phone. By the time I found it and answered it, the person had hung up. So, I got my latest bill out, and called the phone company to set up our voicemail. So now if no one answers the phone, at least it won't ring forever. I also put the information on the phone to check the voicemail, because Dad is not the type to remember that stuff.
Let's see...
My new messenger bag still hasn't arrived. But since it's coming from Seoul, it will take a while (estimated delivery is February 12-20, 2013). Mario Party 7 hasn't been marked as shipped yet. But it's possible that it doesn't have a tracking number. It cold arrive anytime between the 12th and the 19th. The mic that is used with Mario Party 7 is currently in Colorado, and should be here on Saturday.
I went to the place where I usually buy video games to see if they had any GameCube controllers. It won't be much of a Mario Party if I am playing by myself. But they didn't have any. They didn't have a lot of video games either. Just the same sports games that no one wants. So I looked online. And I couldn't find any cheap enough. After spending $20 for a brand new Mario Party 7 game, and $6.58 on the mic, my gaming budget is pretty low right now. I am watching a couple auctions right now, and may snipe them later. But the auction for a PS3 may take priority. If I can find one cheap enough, I will buy it. There are a couple I have my eye on.
Tomorrow I am delivering in Sinking Spring. I gave Dad my check to cash, because he is going to be at the bank anyway to pay the water bill. I know exactly how much the check is worth, and how much I should get in return, so there's no way he can scam me out of my money. And maybe I'll get lucky and he will have the rest of the money he owes me as well. Then I could get another GameCube controller!
There is also a chance that I may be working either tomorrow or Monday at the office. Pam made some more suggestions on the menu after I sent her the proof. And she said that she wants to send it to the press on Monday. The thing is, I am not scheduled to work in the office until Tuesday. So, I may be getting more work. If I was Pam, I would make me just do it on Tuesday because there is so little to change, instead of paying me for a whole day's work. It doesn't make sense financially. But since I am me, I will gladly go to work whenever asked because that means I get more money. More money leads to being able to buy things I don't have, like a PS3. But if I work tomorrow, my next YouTube video will not be posted until late afternoon. So, you may be waiting a while for it.
Speaking of which, maybe I should just wait until the PS4 comes out, so I get a brand new PS3 cheap. That way I don't have to buy a used one. I don't know.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...