While my brother is playing, I will type this.
, 03-10-2013 at 06:17 PM (961 Views)
I accomplished quite a lot in Final Fantasy XIII. Currently, I am looking for Sazh and Vanille on the Palamecia. Well, not exactly currently. I am typing this at present, but you know what I mean. Anyway, I have earned a couple more story trophies for the game. I am nearly at Level 3 on PSN.
And that was basically all I did today. I played Final Fantasy XIII.
I did have a few minutes where I uploaded a video on YouTube. And I did play some Facebook games. But the majority was Final Fantasy XIII.
My brother was playing Grand Theft Auto IV for a while today. While he was playing I watched part of a Korean horror film. It is called Gisaeng Ryung (Ghastly). It reminds me of the Grudge in a way. Well, there's a creepy Asian boy in each. Only in this film, the creepy boy kills people. He killed one kid with a pencil to the throat, and another with an industrial paper cutter rigged to a cat door. It's weird. I had to stop watching it because I was getting weirded out. I had my headphones on so I wouldn't disturb my brother playing. Maybe that's why it was scarier. No outside noise to distract me.
Well, my brother has finished playing, so I think I might start playing again. I don't know what I'll play. Whatever it is, you can always send me a message to my PSN account. I'm me3lingual. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
*There were other things that happened, but I am doing my best to get super angry about it. It's proving difficult, but I think some video game violence may calm me down.