I actually do NOT want to go to work tomorrow.
, 03-11-2013 at 07:10 PM (762 Views)
And it's my own fault. I have been playing so much PS3 lately that I haven't slept nearly as much as I would have liked. And so, I want to sleep as much as possible. And the whole time change isn't helping. I really don't see the point of daylight savings time. The way I see it, if you want to get more done in the daylight, then do things while it's light out. Adjust your own schedule so you can do what needs to be done. Don't whine to the state's government and have them make it so everyone changes their clocks. I work outside and I adjust my schedule so I am not working in the dark. It isn't difficult. But to some people, it must be. I guess if I get too tired, I could always quit my job and move back to Arizona. They don't have DST. Or maybe it would be possible to keep my job and still work in Arizona. Oh well, I will manage.
The jets engines are up and running tonight. It's very loud. It's just another sign that winter is ending. In a week or so, we will start seeing them fly low for spring testing.
I finished watching that horror movie I mentioned yesterday. It was really weird. It ended with me thinking that there may be a sequel, but I hope that there isn't. I won't watch if there is.
I played Grand Theft Auto IV and Final Fantasy XIII today. I didn't advance too far in either of them. I am on the other side of the Palamecia in Final Fantasy XIII, and doing missions for the Russians in GTAIV. There's still no news on Fallout 3, and Metal Gear Solid 4 and Jak 2 are on their way.
My boss is expecting me to finish the Dairy Bar menu this week, so we get them printed next week. I haven't had a lot of time to work on it, so I think she is expecting too much. Tomorrow I am working on the paper, and the only way I can work on the menu is if there isn't a lot to do for the paper.
My brother just earned me another trophy in Grand Theft Auto IV. Now, I have reached Level 3! What this proves, I don't know. And it's not like I couldn't get the trophy myself. It a story-related one. And it's my brother's mood toward the story that really bugs me. Before, the story wasn't important in GTA games. But now, it has really grown to be a major part of the games. And my brother just skips each cutscene because he just wants to shoot things or blow stuff up.
Look at me, defending GTA games, a series that I didn't even care enough about a year ago to even finish a game. Things change, I guess.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...