A Day I am Glad to Finish
, 01-21-2013 at 08:04 PM (720 Views)
I filmed another video of QWOP. I was playing it throughout the day when I was bored, so I got plenty of practice in. This evening I reached 50.0 meters. When that happened, I set up my camera and started recording. In my attempt to repeat or exceed this accomplishment while filming, I failed. It's just my luck that I couldn't do it again. Just like how U will only play fetch when I am the only one in the room with him. Anyway, I came close during filming. This video I did without commentary, because I wanted to focus on the gameplay. I will be putting in commentary later this week. I tried to today, but I kept pausing and saying um a lot.
I also played DDR:Extreme today. It was fun. It doesn't have a story mode like the one I rented a couple years ago had. I really liked the story mode of that game. And the song selection is nothing like the other DDR game I played. It's mainly just poor covers from a bunch of songs I don't normally listen to. There are a few songs I like, but it is only a few. I rarely failed songs today. And Dad and my brother would stop to watch me play when they would walk by. It was nice of Dad to take an interest (if only a tiny hint of interest) in what I was doing. I guess that is his way of trying to make it up to me about all the bad things he continues to do in this house.
Speaking of which, Floozy is here again. Not a day goes by that she doesn't show up for some reason. Seriously, how does Dad expect to earn any money working if he never works? While my brother was watching YouTube videos of cars burning out, I went to my whiteboard and figured up my finances for the rest of the month. I will have enough to pay everyone's shares of the bills by the end of January. But the fact is I don't want to do so. I also don't want to have any of our bills to receive late fees. It comes down to this: if Dad wants me to continue to pay more than my fair share (even if I get reimbursed later when he can scrounge up the cash), I want to have more say in who comes here and what goes on. That's all.
I am seriously considering finding an apartment or some other living arrangement. I don't want to leave my pets, but I may have to. Luca and my kittens are what keeps me sane here, and the thought of leaving them in the care of my brother and father kills me. But if it absolutely comes to it, I (it's really hard to type this next phrase) will do it. Maybe. I can only promise that I will think about it. My fingers want to erase this whole paragraph, because they mean so much to me.
Speaking of my pets, U has been really energetic lately. He is getting on Itsy Bitsy and Omega's nerves. He is always wanting to play, and usually when they are sleeping. And he's been really cuddly to me as well. Last night, he was all up in my face, giving kisses and playing with my hair. His tongue is so ticklish. I don't like when he licks my eyelids. That's really annoying. I have to bury my face in my blankets or pillows to stop him, but he squirms his way in. Curse my need for oxygen when I stuff a pillow in my face to repel U's tongue!
The kitten's latest toy is a small ball of yarn that I found in my desk. I have had to wind it back up several times today. I haven't found their little yellow spongy ball. I think U hid it. They also play with a tennis ball. U tried often to put it in his mouth, but it is still too big for his tiny teefers.
My Facebook was blowing up today about an 86-car-wreck over by Cincinnati today. The reports said that 20-30 people have been injured, and one girl has died. We got what was left over from the sudden whiteout that hit Cincinnati. It was really windy and it snowed a little.
And because of the cold weather, all the schools in the area are delayed tomorrow. At least it gives me something different to post about on the paper's Facebook page. Speaking of which...
Where was I? Oh the page now has 57 Likes! What's super is that only one-fifth of those Likes are from people I know! I look at the insights all the time, and I always pleased at all of the line graphs showing increasing trends. Well, except for the one that indicates unlikes. I don't like that one. And the demographics models are what I like best.
Anyway, tomorrow I am working at the office. I am not sure, but I think the office was closed today (some people would ask why any businesses in this area would close today, since our African-American residents make up roughly 1.2% of our population). Which means that Gabby only sold ads for the paper last Thursday and Friday. I know she was selling for the menu when I saw her on Thursday, and we sold the last spot for that on Friday. So I have no idea if there will even be a paper this week. I hope that it won't be like last week, and have to get a miracle at the last second to fill the paper.
I will have the menu to work on at least. If I get that done early tomorrow (which I will try to not do), I guess I can always sell classified ads. I also have an evil idea to find out what our competitors charge for ads. I think I will call them and ask them to send me prices to my personal Email address, posing as someone looking to advertise. I can't just call and say, "Hi, this is Michael from the Messenger. I have this silly question, and do not feel obligated to answer. But I was wondering, what are all the prices that you charge people to place any and all sizes of ads in your paper for one issue?" Yeah, I have to be a little secretive. Unless they have seen the paper's Facebook page or my own personal page, they have no idea that I even work for the Messenger. It's actually something I have been planning to update (the 1/8th page filler we use with the paper's address and stuff). It still has the names of a couple people who don't work for the paper anymore.
But yeah, I don't think I will be bored tomorrow. That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until tomorrow...