How come the cat gets the good spots of the bed?
, 08-11-2014 at 06:07 AM (1236 Views)
It's raining right now. And it is forecast to rain all day today and tomorrow. Well, there goes my plans for mowing the yard. More time spent on gaming, I guess. Yay! I spent another hour playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn last night before going to sleep. I am at Level 9 now. I almost have the first part of Amarant's Hunting Log complete. I just have four more sets of enemies to kill. I also bought some equipment for him, but that was way back at Level 5 so I could start a mission...which I haven't been working on. I do a mission for someone to take something to someone else, and then the receiving person has missions to do. So I do them. And then I keep pushing the story mission back and back. Oh well. Maybe I will get it done tonight.
I completed the Lost to the Ages quest in Skyrim and earned a silver trophy for my efforts. And then I also absorbed my 20th dragon soul and received a bronze trophy for that. I still need another 7 dungeons, 7 shouts, 1 skill book, and another 14 or 15 levels. Then there is the faraway trophies, which is another 60,000+ gold and completing the Thieves Guild quest completely. I think that will be what I work on today. Maybe. I do have several other open storylines I could work on. I've finished the Dawnguard and Mages College stories in this save file. So, I have plenty I could be working on to get those remaining trophies.
In other games...
I tried fighting Yunalesca, and even got to her third form. Then she cast Megadeath, and I just happened to have zero zombie characters in the party at the time. I went ahead and stopped playing after that. I didn't want to go through all of that work again so soon. I earned a gold trophy in Minecraft the other day. And with the change in the rules of the competition, it will count for my score. Speaking of which, the score as far as I know is 11-0. My opponent hasn't updated at all, so I don't know if I am actually winning or not.
I have also decided to not be so hung up about trying to win. I'm still going to compete, but I won't be regretting choosing sleep over trophies. After all, there's no actual prize for winning. If I score enough points to win against someone, then that's good. If not, oh well.
Moving on...
Mom sent me a message saying that my brother has decided to take back Amy when she gets out of rehab. Mom was so mad that she left where my brother was (I assume they were together in Peebles) and walked the 15 miles back to where my Aunt lives. Deep down, I knew this would happen. And I know that it won't be good for him. Amy is the one who gave my brother all of this recent legal trouble he's going through. She's comes back in two weeks, and when that happens my brother will most likely no longer be "allowed" to see Mom. It sucks, because while we have been trying to bring everything together again, my brother has only been thinking about himself. And he thinks that this time will be different. I sure hope for his sake that it is. He may not get another chance, unless there will be bulletproof glass between him and Amy. Because one of them will most likely be in prison next time. I just hope that it's her.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...