I did get last place this time.
, 03-02-2014 at 08:45 PM (1235 Views)
Tonight was another Hearthstone tournament. This time around I knew a couple of the other participants. However, I didn't expect to be paired up against one of my friends. Two of my friends signed up to play as well. However, one didn't check in due to having to work. And so it was just two in our little group. And by some uncanny luck, we were paired up in the first round.
The first match I started out in the lead, playing as a Mage. I got some hits in, but then my friend absolutely demolished me. I ended up losing with my friend having 26 health remaining. And the second match I was allowed to change my deck. This time I went in as a Priest. That was a big mistake. I managed to inflict eight damage before losing.
Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. After our match, the rest of us in our Skype chat cheered on my friend as he made it all the way to the Quarter-Finals. So, although neither of us won the $100 prize, we had fun. I still think that we shouldn't have been paired up in the first round. Maybe there's a conspiracy or something. Probably not.
So, I was wrong about the snow. It didn't come at all last night. There was a bunch of ice this morning, but the snow only started after it became dark this evening. Bringing in firewood today was really fun, sliding around on the deck. But, Mom and I managed it. All the while, my brother was on the computer chatting with random bimbos on Facebook.
Speaking of Facebook, Mom spent most of the evening on the laptop talking with her friends on Facebook. She wanted to try using the laptop, so I was fine with that. I had my Hearthstone match coming up, so the laptop was her only option. Anyway, up until a few minutes ago, she was chatting up a storm with several of her friends.
And in Star Ocean: The Last Hope news, I have met the fifth character of the game. I don't really like his battle style. He's a bit too slow for my liking. His special skill attacks are very powerful, though. But that's the general trade-off in attacks. More powerful abilities are generally slower. Oh well.
Curious question: is knowledge of the original Assassin's Creed needed to play Assassin's Creed II or other games in the series? Just wondering.
Why do they call a practitioner of White and Black Magic a Red Mage? Wouldn't it really be a Gray Mage?
Anyway, that's about it for today. Tomorrow will be yet another cold day. Only difference is that there will snow on the ground covering the ice. Well, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...