Plus sides...
, 07-03-2014 at 07:44 PM (838 Views)
So, I took a two-hour nap Wednesday afternoon. I tried to sleep more, but I couldn't. I paid for it by also being unable to get enough sleep to be well-rested for work. I had about 80 minutes of sleep before the alarm clock started making noise. Despite being tired, I left for work on time, and felt fine when I arrived at the office. The weather was nice at the time. And the main road had been repaved, and it was easier to ride.
And when I arrived at the office, the rain started. There was only a 10% chance of rain, and I was the lucky one who got the rain. On the bright side, the rain didn't last long. I just had to deal with the wind. It wasn't too bad though. Then, I was watching out for Mom's ex-boyfriend/stalker. He didn't show up at all. I sent Mom messages from time to time to tell her the current status. She was worrying. Or maybe she wasn't. I don't really know. She didn't sent me a message until I was already done. I do know that she was worried before Thursday, and since my sister was staying with her on Wednesday night, she wasn't able to come to Peebles to watch over me.
Anyway, I once again didn't have anything to keep the papers together despite being told there would be something. The extra time I saved in not binding the papers allowed me to be finished with the route at 8:15am. I then took my check to the bank, used the nighttime deposit thing to put my money in the bank, and then I rode home. I was home at 8:58am. Then, I brought the trash cans back from the road. I checked the mail, and finally went to sleep. I woke up a few hours later.
Luca wrapped her cable around Jackson. And she has become strong enough to carry the block around the yard. Not only has she managed to unclip herself from the cable today, but she took the block on two dragging trips. The first was into the chicken coop (where there haven't been chickens in years), and the second was near the edge of the yard. I may have to put another block at the end of the cable to make it harder for her to run everywhere. On the plus side, she is coming to me when called.
Well, the plan tomorrow is to spend my Independence Day delivering in Sinking Spring, and then mowing at the office. I also need to wash the dishes. Carma and Joey should be here in the morning at some time. I think that on top of watching Joey, I will also have to put groceries away. The bright side is that I will have food other than nearly expired food to eat.
Gaming wise, I haven't played much. I am trying to raise my level in Skyrim. And then I am still visiting PlayStation Home each day for the last two trophies I need to finish it. And I guess that's about it. So...I guess I'll see you around the forums, and until then...