And here I thought my legs couldn't get any stronger.
, 05-24-2013 at 09:07 PM (974 Views)
First, U has been limping on one of his hind legs for the last couple of days. He was out playing in the field and stepped on a thorn. It was in a really painful part of his paw, too. Comparable to a paper cut where the creases are on our fingers. He just hops around like it doesn't bother him. He spends the days sleeping in Mom's front room chair. She and U will get along wonderfully when Mom comes home. I just know it. He's such a cuddle monster!
I took my bike on its first major ride today. I went to Sinking Spring to deliver to the stores. It was a nice ride. The wind blowing against me on the way there wasn't fun, but it sure did make the ride home fun. It was the first time in years that I had to stand on the pedals to pedal uphill. I did the normally 40-minute 10-mile ride in fifty minutes. It takes some time to get used to a new bike, so it's okay. I tried riding without holding onto the handlebars (as it makes delivering easier), and I am so scared to. It's another thing that will become better as I get used to the bike.
My Facebook feed will show that I played Osu! for 6 hours non-stop today. I didn't actually play that long. Maybe 30-45 minutes. I had it on because I like the music. I spent a big chunk of the day playing with my yo-yo. Until it broke. Just when I was getting really good at the forward pass and around the world.
The recreational guide we made at the office is being printed. I printed off a copy here at home for my own collection. One of the ads that I didn't make spelled a major word wrong. I don't get how Misty could misspell September. Twice. And to spell it S-E-P-T-E-M-P-T-E-R is just embarrassing. There isn't anything that can be done to change it, because Misty approved the proof the printers sent us. It wasn't my project, so I didn't get final proofing. Oh well. I guess the alternative is to ask everyone in the world to change the spelling of their calendars from September to Septempter. It shouldn't be that hard. The government adds tens of pointless new holidays every year, so it can't be difficult to change the spelling of a month.
I tutored Joey again today. Today we worked on telling time, and counting to 100. I told him of my 2nd Grade project to write to 1000, and that got him interested into wanting to do it as well. After the hour was up, we rode my new bike (he sat on the rack), played with Luca, drank a soda on the porch, and then played Crash Bandicoot.
That's all for this entry. Tomorrow I am washing laundry. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...