Stupid Cecil! Stupid Sephiroth!
, 11-08-2013 at 11:43 PM (853 Views)
So, my PSP arrived today! And oh my gosh, I love it even more than my Nintendo DS. The graphics of the games I bought are so much better than my DS games. And what's more, I actually shed a tear while watching a cutscene from one of the PSP games.
As you probably know, I am a sucker for a good emotional story in a video game. I weep every time I play Final Fantasy IX, as well as the first time I finished Final Fantasy X, XIII, VIII, Xenosaga Episode I, when Galuf died in Final Fantasy V (oops, spoilers! But hey, the game has been out for almost twenty years, so deal with it), as well as a lot of other moments in video games. Anyway, I have never wept at the beginning of a game. I put in Dissidia Final Fantasy and during that cutscene with the battle between the two groups of warriors I felt so bad for the Cosmos's fighters. The part when Terra is being attacked (probably because they thought she was an easy target since she's a girl) was my breaking point. They were fighting a losing battle, and it was just so bad watching them continue to fight.
So that's what I have been playing all day today. I finished Cloud's story, because it was set as the easiest difficulty. After that, I started Cecil's. And I hate Cecil! He's so slow, and ugly, and dumb, and weak, and he couldn't defeat fake Sephiroth to save his life! I want both Cecil and Sephiroth to die in a pit of tar!
But still, the game is so good! The PSP is already on the charger right now because I have been playing it a lot today. And that installing game data to the memory card (stick, whatever it's called) took way too long. I could have played a whole hour more than I did.
Dad came over today and cut firewood. I helped, but only because Grandma asked. I certainly didn't do it because I wanted to. Not only did I have to lift up the chunks of wood onto the splitter, but I had to also toss them into the pile. All Dad did was run the lever. It would have been easier if I had been on the same side of the splitter that the firewood was on. But no, Dad had to be on that side. So I had to climb over the lawn mower that pulls the splitter to get to the firewood, lift it onto the splitter, and then climb over the lawn mower again to get back on my side to toss the firewood onto the pile.
U came in this afternoon limping. One of back legs was hurting him today. Dad checked it out and immediately assumed he was hit by something. I had U stay in the house to rest up, because he seemed fine. I think it was just that he stubbed it jumping down from something. But now I don't know. I called for him at midnight to get him to come in the house for the night, and he still hasn't shown up. I hope he's okay. Bit Bit went missing after he came inside limping one day, and it's been more than a year since I last saw him.
Well, that's all for now. I am off to bring in some firewood, because I neglected to do it while it was warm and when the sun was out. After that, I will be watching the continuing coverage of the Osu! Word Cup over at the OWC Twitch Channel. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...