Too tired to make a title.
, 11-10-2013 at 11:45 PM (656 Views)
U is feeling much better today. I guess he just jumped down from somewhere and didn't land well or something. Right now, he's sleeping behind one of the chairs in the middle room. He sleeps in the middle room when he gets too hot from sleeping in the stove room.
My printer is running low on black ink, so I will have to get some more soon.
My brother wasn't home much today. He would stop by once in a while to see if anyone called or was here looking for him. I think if he is that worried about that, he should have just stayed home.
I played a little bit of a few games today. I tried playing Fallout 3 (starting from the very beginning, again), and as I was on my way to GNR, the game screen goes completely black. A few seconds later, the screen shows the home menu. Right now, it's of Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII. After that, I didn't return to Fallout 3, and my enthusiasm for other games dissipated. While I am on about Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas may arrive tomorrow. And I wonder, is it better or worse than Fallout 3?
Another question I have is it always so easy for the battery cover of PSP to fall off? Nothing looks broken, but a good shake or simply leaving it somewhere at an angle will cause it to fall off. I have the rubbery cover for it to prevent it from falling off, but I like how the PSP looks without it. With it on, it looks like I am playing a child proofed version of it, like those handhelds that are built for being dropped on floors or thrown at walls.
Well, tomorrow started nearly two hours ago, so I guess I should end this here. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...