Handfuls of Kitteh!
, 11-09-2013 at 10:04 PM (533 Views)
I finished the Odysseys of Cecil, Tidus, and Firion today when I played Dissidia. Tidus is the character I am most comfortable playing as right now. So much so, that I went and started the next part of the game rather than playing as the other six characters. I didn't have a lot of trouble with the first level of Chapter 1, but I also didn't fight all of the enemies this time around either.
Anyway, I really like the game so far. And I don't like fighting games. I find them to be really repetitive. And in a way, Dissidia is as well. I guess it just proves that if you put the Square Enix logo on something I will enjoy it. I don't think it will work on yucky vegetables though.
U finally came back to the house last night. I was calling for him and saw him hobbling down the driveway. I walked over to him and carried back inside. He is walking much better today compared to yesterday. Whatever it was that happened, he doesn't seem any different.
Now the kittens, they are just asking to get hurt. I went to check the mail today, and Not-So-Mega and Stri-P-Grr chased me up the hill to the road. I grabbed both of them and carried them back to the house. I made sure to tell them that they were bad cats for going up to the road, and that lowercase was the only good kitten because he didn't run to the road. They did not care one bit. All they care about is following me around everywhere and being right next to me when I am outside. And honestly, I like that they want to be next to me, just not when I going to the road.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
Before I forget, check out my gaming blog for the recent results of this year's Osu! World Cup tournament!