Getting angrier by the minute.
, 10-30-2013 at 08:59 PM (812 Views)
I really hope my brother gets home soon. He still hasn't replaced my bike tire. He had a whole week to do it. I am leaving for work in a few hours, and he still has come home from work. It really sucks that he hasn't found the time in his super busy schedule to fix my tire.
Anyway, all else I can either wait around for him to actually do it, or take the spare. I really don't want to have to resort to using the spare because there is a huge chance of rain tomorrow. I don't want to risk it. And waiting for him to fix it won't work either, because the chance of rain increase the later it gets.
I'll think of something.
I played a few games today. The main being Need for Speed: Most Wanted with Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima. It was really fun playing with someone I actually talk to.
Anyway, I am kind of rushing this entry along because I still have to get ready to leave for work. And it is really getting on my nerves that my brother is being a rather big bad word for not keeping his word about replacing my tire. I even reminded him several times.
Oh well. That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...