, 11-19-2014 at 08:10 AM (1003 Views)
A quick update.
This morning I let Jackson out, and normally when I do that, Luca usually starts jumping and carrying on. She didn't do that this morning. I put my sandals on and went out to see what was going on. As I approached, I heard the whimper of little puppies. Luca was there with 9 little puppies. Well, they weren't little. They were quite big. And unfortunately, five of them weren't alive. When I started pulling them out of the doghouse, Luca walked out and brought them back in. So, I went back in to get my jacket and shoes.
After that, I reached in and got the puppies out. Luca gave me the saddest look ever, and I explained to her what was going on. She understood and let me do what needed to be done. After they were set aside, I filled the doghouse with straw to keep everyone warm. Then I got the shovel and hoe out of the shed and started the task of digging the hole to bury the puppies. The ground was frozen, so it was not the most fun thing to do. I then took a white shirt I don't wear anymore, wrapped the puppies in it, and took them down to the burial site. And after I filled the hole back in, I went back into the house to warm up.
Of the four remaining puppies, three are brown like Luca. The fourth is black like Jackson. When I told Carma the news, she said that I have to start finding homes for them, and to get Luca fixed. I already knew all of that, but she felt the need to tell me again. Anyway, all that matters right now is that Luca and the puppies are happy and healthy.
In other news...
Not a lot has happened. I mean, I went to sleep last night. Then I woke up. And then I let Jackson out, which started the whole sequence of events that I described above. So I guess that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...