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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

The minutes are dragging on...

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And it's all because the cold weather. It just makes my days seem to go on and on. I did manage to get a good chunk of it to go by by playing Fallout 3. I spent quite a long time on that, only to have the game freeze on me right when I freed Fawkes. I don't know when the last Auto-Save was, since I didn't bother to check. I don't really understand why Sid attacked me. I freed him as well. It didn't really matter, since he ended up dead anyway.

I just read why Sid attacked me. It makes sense now. I still don't like it, but I'm glad that it was a Centaur that chopped him into bits instead of me actually killing him.

And it wasn't fair at all that my character's father got to end his own life, when I tried several times to kill him myself.


There's still time to post those nominations!

It's the coldest night it has been this season, so I got the space heater out of Mom's bathroom and plugged it in here in my room. It's always in the upper-50s/lower-60s in here, and I want to be warm. Believe me, if I had a way of moving my computer closer to where the wood stove is, I would do it.

Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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