Another Entry, Another GTA4 Spoiler Session
, 03-16-2013 at 06:42 PM (792 Views)
I earned two trophies in Grand Theft Auto IV today. The first was for beating the high score in QUB3D, that arcade puzzle mini-game. The second was for perfectly completing the dancing mini-games in both of Tony's clubs. They were quite easy to get. Here's how I'm doing trophy-wise. Keep in mind that I am reporting these results from the profile on the Internet. It is updated in real time.
Catherine 14% (10) Final Fantasy XIII 13% (9) Final Fantasy XIII-2 1% (1) Grand Theft Auto IV 10% (9) Metal Gear Solid 4 0% (0) Prince of Persia 16% (13)
I hope the table turned out okay, because writing it was odd. Anyway, I also advanced to the second floor of the seventh level in Catherine. I then became super stumped with the next puzzle. So I tried the Altar level of Babel again. I got to 106 steps, my personal best score. And that was all the gaming I did today.
Before bed last night, I played Final Fantasy XIII. I am stuck on the battle against Barthandelus. I have tried about 20 times to get through this battle, but I was unsuccessful. As I pointed out elsewhere, I was able to do this before a couple years ago. And without a manual or help from the Internet. I just haven't remembered what I did back then to do it again now.
Other than that, I didn't do much today. I made tuna salad, and cinnamon rolls, and Kool-Aid, and washed my clothes. I played with the cats, and Luca. I also checked the weather reports for Monday. I was hoping to have nice weather so I could ride my bike to Hillsboro. It is the next step in seeing if I have what it takes to travel to places on my bike. The plan was to
1. Get an ID card.
2. Go to Taco Bell.
3. Go to Gamestop for the first time in my life.
But it looks like it's going to rain all day on Monday. I am hoping that it will either rain tomorrow instead, or that the rain will be postponed until Tuesday. Then I could still go on Monday.
Oh, I remember one more thing I did today. I went through Dad's and my brother's coin jars and wrapped up their money for them. Then I gave them dollar bills in exchange for the wrapped up money. Now, I have $14 in coins.
And finally for this entry, I started campaigning for Gaming King today. As of right now, I am in 14th Place with 140 votes. I think I have a good chance in making it into the Top 10 this time. So, I ask that you go over to My King of the Web profile and throw your votes my way. Thank you so much! If I win, I will think of some way to thank you in a more tangible way.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
Remember that if I am not online on the Internet, I am most likely online on PSN. So feel free to message me on there. My name is me3lingual.