A Good End to my Weekend
, 04-15-2013 at 06:32 PM (876 Views)
As you have probably figured out, I usually have a "weekend" that consists of four days. Maybe four-and-a-half. I like it. My job doesn't take too long to do, though I wish it would take longer. More time equals more money. And maybe it will in the future. Anyway, today was the last day of my weekend.
I spent the majority of the day playing Final Fantasy XIII. I put Bhakti back together. After that, I worked on completing more Cie'th Stone Missions. According to my map, I have completed the first 32 missions. I tried doing the 33rd mission several times, but I can't figure it out. I don't know how to defeat the baby gigantic turtle creature. When I was running toward it, it looked so sad. I didn't want to go up against it because it looked so pitiful. But now I want to see it chopped up into bits. I only stay alive for about two minutes against it. Those steps it takes knock one-third of my party's health off. I don't like it.
I had another tutoring session with Joey today. I prepared for it by writing a bunch of words on the dry erase board. They were the words his teacher requires the students to know in order to pass into the first grade. I wrote 54 words on the board and he got most of them without needing help. There are still more to put on the board, and I'll have them ready for the next session. After the words are done, I'll put them into sentences for him to read.
We also did some typing on the computer. Actually, it was more like he would type and I would recite his gibberish. He had already finished two pages of homework and fifty-four words, so he was in a playing mood. Since the hour of lessons was over, I was fine with playing.
Tomorrow I am working in the office on the baseball issue of the paper. It will be the biggest issue so far this year, so I have my work cut out for me. I have the feeling that Misty came in today and did a lot of the work already. I don't know why, but it seems like she is trying to take over as composer again. Maybe she has a lot more time on her hands now that she has her schooling taken care of now.
Well, I am heading over to the PS3 to play something. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...