Golly! Where have I been?
, 11-15-2014 at 06:45 AM (960 Views)
I can't believe I have been away for a whole week. I have visited, but I just didn't have anything worth writing about. Anyway, I may as well catch you all up on what little I have done. So, here goes...
This first week with Autumn and her two kids have been hard. Mainly because it is so loud in the house now. I don't like loud. I stay shut up in my room most of the day. I will leave the door open from when I wake up to when everything starts getting loud. After that, I am in here until I have to do something that requires me to leave the room. And then I am back to my little world. But a door can only muffle the noise, and even then it's useless if it is constantly opened and three children barge in. But I am adjusting to this new setup.
Most of my time this last week has been spent playing video games and earning points toward my matches in the Trophy Hunters League. It is now the third match, and by some stroke of luck I am one of three in the Silver League that is undefeated. My first match was won 15-9, and the second was won 23-17. So far in this third match, I am winning 16-7. Although I spent almost every waking hour playing games, I have scored so few points. The reason being most of my gaming has been in Samurai Warriors 4. I spend more than an hour on a campaign, and my reward for completing each one is only a Bronze trophy. Sometimes I will fulfill the conditions for another trophy, but those are still only Bronze trophies.
I bought a game on PSN that I would recommend for people to play. It's called Journey, and it is made by the same company that made Flower and Flow. In it, you play as some kind of cloaked creature on his way to the top of a large mountain. It entertained me for a few hours. And really, that's how long it takes to complete the game. It basically just throws you into the game with very little instruction, but it does have a nice story.
I worked with Larry on Tuesday. And I was told that I would probably be needed today as well. So I will spend the day waiting for the phone call to go help out. Until then, I will probably work on earning trophies in both PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, and Samurai Warriors 4.
Work at the newspaper this week was okay. It was really cold, and super windy. I was finished with the route at 10am, and was back at the house at 11am. I would have been finished sooner, but the route manager set out coupons from McDonald's while I was gone that had to be put in the paper. I had everything folded already, so I had to go back and take them apart just to put these inserts in the paper. It was not fun. I also got to see Wade and Misty on Thursday when they came to pick up the papers for their route. We talked for a moment, but it wasn't anything special. I could tell that they were still troubled over what happened at Wade's old job. They just seemed down. I was thinking about how Iris told me last week that she didn't let Misty work in the office because "there was no room", and I think I know the real reason why (because there is always room for another person selling ads. I think Iris said no because she is afraid Pam would give Misty her old job back. And as we all know Misty's old job is Iris' current job. I would be afraid too, because Misty is so much better at it. She certainly doesn't think up lies to try and get the one employee who has working there the longest fired. Anyway, it is only a matter of time and I think I will see Misty back as office manager.
Well, that's about it for now. I will try and report in more regularly. So, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...