Taking advantage of the heat.
, 07-19-2013 at 08:53 PM (705 Views)
I ended up not watching the live chat that Eat Your Kimchi had last night. I was so tired that I figured I would take a quick nap until it started. I left my computer on the web page that way I would wake up when it started. And I did wake up. But only to turn off my computer and go back to sleep.
I then watched it when I got back from Sinking Spring at 9am. I wish I had watched it live though. It was really funny. And their cat was featured in it as well. Meemers is so cute! He reminds me of U so much. Although, U seems to be way more cuddly than Meemers. U is also much, much cuter.
Speaking of cats, Itsy's kittens are growing up so fast. First, I am amazed that they are still alive. Itsy is really paying attention to the needs of those three much better this time around. She still comes in once in a while when she needs a break from them, but she mainly stays right with them.
U and Omega haven't been around much lately. They tend to stay away during the day. I don't blame them. Since their fur is so dark, it must be hard for them to be out in the sun on days like this. I called for U this evening, and he came bounding over when he heard my voice. Omega spends his days under the tree next to the house a lot. He grew up under that tree, it's his favorite place to sleep the days away. Dad and my brother say we will have to cut the tree down because it is too close to the house. Something about the roots will dig into the foundation or some stupid reason to take away the only shade we have.
I couldn't find the motivation to stick with any one video game again today. I started off with Pokemon White, then moved on to Oblivion, then to GTA IV. In the end, I finished watching The Queen's Classroom. It was such a good show. There is one special episode left to watch, but the main series is complete.
Tomorrow I have to wash my clothes. And if the weather is nice, I want to wash my comforters as well. They have been sitting in a basket in my bathroom waiting for to be washed for a while now, and I may as well get them done now that I have all this extra time at home.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...