Getting the need for speed...
, 08-13-2014 at 06:19 AM (1062 Views)
Any attempts at fixing the whole not being able to sign in to PSN have failed. I did manage to sign in after 11pm last night. I was able to finally update the server with my recent trophies, and logged in another day on PlayStation Home. I also sent messages to my previous opponent and my current opponent. Speaking of which, my new opponent is freddie1989. He is one of the highest leveled players in the Bronze League. I will wait until the official results are released to say much more.
I spent the day working on my Skyrim file. I didn't get much accomplished. That happens sometimes. I am trying to complete the story of the Thieves Guild along with performing those random jobs that build the Guild's reputation.
Sometime today I am going to mow the yard. I want to get the whole yard finished today. I am not sure I'll have enough gas to do it. But I won't know until I get to doing it. It also looks like I will be watching Joey, Colt, and Hunter this evening. Stacy will be coming back late, and she said that I'd have to watch them until she gets back. I guess Carma was supposed to tell me, but she forgot.
Well, that's about it for now. All I have to really do is be ready to leave for work later. That won't take long. So, I guess I will see you around the forums. Until then...