Halloween is Cancelled!
, 10-31-2013 at 10:06 PM (747 Views)
Well, my brother never came home last night. I ended up leaving for work at 2:30am. I was angry, and just sitting at home wasn't making it any better. I rode the spare to town. And because I was so early, I had to sit and wait for the person to show up with the papers. At 4am, I finally got to start working.
I was finished at the usual time. I chatted with Iris until the bank was open. As I rode into the bank parking lot, I saw Dad there. He was just leaving the bank. He asked me if I was finished, and I said I was. Then we arranged for him to wait for me at the Insurance place so he could take me home. It was a little bit of backtracking, considering I have to pass the insurance place to get to the bank. The people at the restaurant must have been giving me some weird looks as I kept going by, the final time stopping in front of them and putting my bike in the bed of Dad's truck.
We stopped at Grandma's on the way to my house. I gave her a copy of the paper. I saw that she had a big box of some of the biggest pears I had ever seen, so I picked one, washed it off, peeled it, and ate it. Grandma had them all because she will be canning them.
After I got home, I told my brother (who had since made it home from wherever he was) that he needed to call some people and that he needs to fix my bike tire. Whether he did any of that I don't know. I went back in the house and slept for five hours. By the time I woke up, the storm that threatened the possibility of Trick-or-Treating had arrived and cancelled everything.
Since then, I played some Need for Speed Most Wanted with RKH. And then I worked some more on a picture. After that, I pretty much did a bunch of nothing.
Tomorrow I am hoping the storm is over so I can go to Sinking Spring and deliver. After that, I want to play as much as I can.
Well, that's all I have for now. I am off to try and drown out the sound of the storm so I can sleep some more. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...