, 09-18-2013 at 08:18 PM (965 Views)
My journey with Xenosaga has halted. I can't get past the battle against the Gnosis that Cherenkov turns into. I have tried several different strategies during the battles. I may have to level grind in order to have a better chance against it. I didn't do too bad the last time I tried it. I managed to defeat the two side enemies and get the main enemy's HP to 2371/3600. I have even read a strategy online to help me get over this obstacle. But it didn't work.
Today was an alright day. The kittens are really growing and playing so much. Lowercase has found Omega's clubhouse (a place near the creek where Omega sleeps) and explores the area. Not-so-Mega and U are always playing. I have to stop U sometimes, because he sometimes plays too rough. U is 5 times bigger that Not-So. And Stri-P-Grr has become fascinated with the drain pipe, and I had to yell at her to stop climbing in it.
And the kittens have taken a liking to teasing Luca. They will get where she can see them and just play around and put on a show for her. Which makes Luca jump higher than ever. Luckily the fence is still higher than she can jump.
And other than that, things are fine. Tomorrow morning I will be working in Peebles, and I hope to be done quickly. There is a good chance that it will rain tomorrow, and I don't like being out in the rain. And with that, I have nothing else to mention. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...