, 08-04-2013 at 08:28 PM (776 Views)
I managed to sleep in until 10am this morning. I don't think it is truly sleeping in since I woke up at 8am, completed my morning chores, and went back to bed until 10. I got up and stayed up when I heard Dad and my brother talking about me. I made sure to be very quiet when I walked toward them. I didn't want their conversation to end, especially since they were saying such lovely things about me.
The day was pretty much spent in Skyrim. I completed quests I have already completed in other attempts at playthroughs, so nothing too challenging. There was a quest for the Companions that had me retrieving a long bow from a giant's camp. I gained two levels during the fight. I made use of my Voice and lots of magic.
I have also received a surprise visit by one of those Dark Brotherhood assassins on the road. It happened on the way back to the Jorrvaskr with Farkas after completing the Trial. We made quick work of the black-cloaked baddie, and continued on our way. And I became a Werewolf. Woo! The excitement from having the ability to change into some dog sends shivers up my spine and leaves a smile on my face. Not really, but I guess it may be a good skill to have at some point.
My brother pawned Joey off on me again today. He came in with a cup of water, and the first thing he does is spill it on my floor. All over my PS3 games and cords. And he was grabbing the controller out of my hands. After a while, I shut myself off to him. I answered his million questions, and my brother was in the next room laughing so much because of it. He was just super happy that it was someone else having to deal with it that he couldn't contain himself. I still don't know when I am going to be paid what I'm owed. The conversation never came up.
One question I have is how can a person playing a driving game hit a wall on a straight stretch of track? It's not that hard to stay on the track. But Joey insists on turning in to the walls at every chance. You don't even have to use the directional buttons or analog sticks.
I did some multiplayer racing after he left. I didn't do too bad. I placed fourth in one set of races and sixth in another. I didn't get last, so that's good enough for me.
Tomorrow I get to start collecting on all of the tasks I complete as a turker. I like working on each little project. I still have nearly 50 tasks that need approved. It's mainly from all of those translation tasks. The person giving out the tasks reviews them all in bulk I guess, I don't know. Anyway, it's fun and it earns me money.
Tomorrow I have to wash my clothes. I put it off this weekend because yesterday my brother washed his clothes and I didn't want to wash mine on a Sunday. I should be up for a while yet, so if you see me on PSN or Skype or wherever feel free to chat with me if you want.
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...