Full of Win!
, 12-02-2013 at 09:53 PM (634 Views)
I managed to get a lot accomplished today. I wash my clothes and the dishes, brought firewood in, made some cookies and some hoagies for my brother for when he got home. Really, the house looked completely different in the afternoon compared to the morning.
Dad came over today, and he acted as if it was my fault that the parts for the vehicles he was supposed to work on hadn't arrived yet. He didn't stay long, but he did bring the water bill. In my head, I was saying "Yay, something else that I don't have the money to pay!" But I gave my usual grunt of acceptance. I was busy at the time, and couldn't be bothered with an actual response.
I am nearly finished with award banners, having only five left to finish. I wrote everything down on my little memo pad that I use to write down phone messages. And this evening, I checked to make sure that the people who were nominated were actually active. The spreadsheet looks so nice and fancy. I kind of sound like Intern 2 from MyMusic, with my fascination for nice spreadsheets. I'm crazy, and I don't care.
Anyway, it was so nice today. The sun was shining, and it just seemed so much happier here today. If only I was delivering tomorrow, because it will be just as nice tomorrow. Thursday is supposed to be rainy, but warm. I blame Sam Champion this time. Since he's leaving GMA, the weather is punishing the rest of the country (or rather my area, I don't know about the rest of it)because he got some fancy job over at the Weather Channel.
Well, that's about all from me for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
Later! And don't forget to post your nominations!