Waiting on the phone to ring, or an Email to be sent...
, 03-03-2015 at 08:46 AM (1242 Views)
I would think that if the other newspaper was as desperate as Misty made them out to be, I would have received some form of communication from them by now. This waiting game sucks. It's only been three days since I sent the cover letter and résumé, so maybe I'm just being impatient. Maybe they're seeing if they get other applicants. Maybe they automatically turned me down when they saw I worked for my paper. Maybe...Maybe...maybe...
Speaking of maybe's, here's Valentina Monetta's song Maybe:
Misty told me on Thursday that the person who used to do the job I applied for just up and quit last week, leaving them without someone to do her job. So, they are in need of someone to take their place.
So, I'm waiting.
And all this waiting has made me not want to do anything else except wait. That way when the phone rings, I can pick it up immediately, or not be distracted when I receive an Email or something. Yesterday, I spent most of the morning and part of the afternoon writing an article for EO about the current projects in the feedback phase of the Square Enix Collective. Then after Joey's homework was finished (which took two hours to complete), I wrote another on how March 8 is the last day you can pre-order Final Fantasy Type-0 from the Square Enix site and guarantee it will be at your door on release day.
And so far today, I brought in firewood, fed the animals, and checked up on My Singing Monsters. I also did some battles in Pokémon Shuffle. For some reason, I can't seem to catch a Treecko. The catch rate is so low. Even when I have moves left over, it doesn't add much to it. I caught a Kangaskhan, but can't catch a Treecko. It's ridiculous. Here's what I have so far:
Bulbasaur Lv.3
Charmander Lv. 3
Squirtle Lv. 3
Pidgey Lv. 1
Espurr Lv. 3
Pichu Lv. 1
Pikachu Lv. 1
Togepi Lv. 2
Eevee Lv. 1
Audino Lv. 4 (w/ Mega Stone)
Purrloin Lv. 1
Mareep Lv. 1
Rotom Ice Lv. 1
Happiny Lv. 1
Phanpy Lv. 3
Nidoran F Lv. 1
Nidoran M Lv. 2
Buneary Lv. 1
Klefki Lv. 2
Kangaskhan Lv. 3 (w/ Mega Stone)
Litwick Lv. 1
Chingling Lv. 1
Swirlix Lv. 1
Sableye Lv. 2
Torchic Lv. 2
It's a fun game. The only annoying part I've found with the game is how long it takes for my Hearts to refill. I hate having to wait 30 minutes for another battle. But that's the main problem with most free-to-play games, both online and on consoles/handhelds. When I'm not playing the games mentioned above, I'm working on Trigger Happy Havoc: Dangan Ronpa. I'm up to the point in Chapter 4 when...
I'm nearing the end of it, and then I'll work on the second game. I'm basically playing for trophies right now. My opponent has told me that I will most likely win our match, because he has just started Tales of Hearts R. Trophies don't come easily in that game. Which reminds me, I need to work on that game myself. Or rather, I need to work on ALL of the Tales games I have. With Tales of Zestiria coming out this summer (?), I want to have at least one of the Tales games I own to be finished.
I was thinking back just now about how I used to always tear through games. Almost as if I couldn't satisfy my hunger for them. Trying to do everything I can in them before moving on to the next. There was a time when I had a Gamefly account years ago that actually served that purpose. But now, it takes me forever to find the motivation to finish a game. I mean, it took me two years to finally finish Final Fantasy XIII-2, and I've already had Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII for nearly one year, and the farthest I've gotten is to where the demo ends.
Moving on...
Remember back when I said my goals for the year? Well, the only one I seem to be keeping is the saving money one. I've been adding to it every day. Or rather, every Thursday I put in the predetermined amount of each day in the coming week. Currently it is the ninth week of the year, and the sixty-second day of the year. So although there is technically $65.16 in the coffee can at the moment, there is officially $64.53. When I save up enough, I'm going to transfer it all into a savings account at the bank. Mainly because I'm afraid that some (or all) of it will go missing if it is here for too long. And then there's the obvious reason. Interest. It will be worth more to me in the bank than in a coffee can. The bank's website didn't say the percentage of Interest it would draw for a personal account (until it reaches a certain amount), so I'm not sure of the details. But if it increases, then who am I to complain. Money is money, and unless it is earned through illegal means, then it is good enough money for me.
Then I guess I would have to find another purpose for my coffee can. I guess I could put my loose change in it. Right now, around 15% of what's in it is loose change, so it wouldn't be so different.
Well, that's enough rambling for one day. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...