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Platinum, and the next stage in my plan to be King of the Web

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Really early this morning (about 3am) I received my first Platinum Trophy. I finished Sly Copper and the Thievius Raccoonus. The game was alright, if a little easy. Actually, a lot easy. I guess they need the speed trials to offer some challenge. I don't plan on doing them, because I have completed the story, and there aren't any trophies for them either. I think I will start on Sly 2 this weekend.

I also played more Jetpack Joyride. I really like the Profit Bird and Mr. Cuddles vehicles. And the final spin is always fun too, except for when I lose. Still, it's is quite fun!

And I played Final Fantasy XIII today. I decided to move on with the story. Right now, the party met up with NORA and are on their way to save the world. Each character has maxed one of the roles at Stage 9. Instead of working on completing another, I am using the CP I earn now to develop some of the other roles. That way everyone can do a little of everything. Eventually they will have everything learned anyway, and it gives them more of a boost. Of course, I could always go back to doing one job per character the next time I play. It just looked weird to see them have Level 4 on some jobs, and Level 0 on others.

Dad came home today. He told me that Floozy's sister (who is one of the new staff members where I work) told the other staff members off because of me. I don't know details, so I am a little nervous to go to the office tomorrow and deliver the papers. All I can say is that I have no control of what people say when I am not around. I talked to her on Monday when she stopped over at my house on Monday, but I didn't tell her anything to make her react in a bad way. At least, I don't think I did. We didn't even talk about work much, just that she liked working there. Other than that, we talked about video games, and the carefully hidden video of her playing Just Dance on YouTube.

Maybe something was said about me by one of the other staff members, and she jumped in because I wasn't there. I don't know. Luckily, tomorrow's weather is forecast to be really nice. Nice weather means one less thing to hinder my delivery speed. I can get there, do my work, and be done all before the office opens and everyone shows up. But there's a part of me that wants to stick around and find out what went on.

I decided that I would compete in the main King of the Web election this time around. And I am already doing better than I would be if I had stayed in the Gaming category. My 28 votes so far is equal to 17th Place in the main contest, but only 21st Place in the Gaming contest. Remember to vote for me every day up until May 15, 2013 at 12 noon Pacific Daylight Time. But save up your bonus votes. I will need those when I make my next attempt at winning.

Since I am not in the gaming category this time, you may be asking who I am voting for instead. Well, when I voted today, I just chose someone at random. But ConnorDwyer is competing in the gaming category this time. He won in the Music category and received $500USD, and is trying his hand at gaming for another $500. Which then leaves an opening for my music category vote. That is also just a random person. And xiaorishu (who placed third in Vlog & Film) and NinaUnrated (7th in Beauty & Style) are still in the same categories.

And this time around I am using the pass I earned to get more bonus votes each day. This will further boost my chance at winning. Instead of getting 10 bonus votes with every 50 I cast, it only takes 30 votes to bet 10 bonus votes. Which means that instead of 140 bonus votes in this cycle, I will be getting 240 bonus votes to add to the 269 I already had. And really, a good lead is what seems to make other contestants shirk away from actively campaigning. If someone has a big lead at the beginning, people put their votes on that person because they tend to be too lazy to scroll down the list and find other people to vote for.

Anyway, that's about it for tonight. I still have to get ready for tomorrow. I think I will be gaming until bed. Either that, or watching more YouTube videos. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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  1. Rowan's Avatar
    Congrats on getting a platinum. I never got one myself, came close though but theres always some tedious thing to do that I never find the patience for in order to get the platinum.
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