Florida - June Update...
, 06-21-2015 at 06:23 PM (1942 Views)
As I have been saying lately, I have been much busier than usual. So much so, that I have not been playing games as much as I would like. Anyway, as you all know, I am scrounging up every penny I can for the big journey South to Florida. Well, I am actually doing quite well at that, despite the whole "can't stop myself from buying video games that I don't need and probably won't play" bit. But other than that, I am doing quite well. And there is also some other good news to share as well. But we'll save that bit for later.
With my route paying $70 currently, I earn enough to make payments on my credit card and paypal credit accounts to not only cover what I have to pay for each month (storage unit, phone time, etc.), as well as try and pay some of it off. That's fine, and it's one of the things the Florida Fund money will be going toward when I actually move there. Since I don't actually have to pay for anything I may need in Florida, this works out great! But anyway...
What goes into the Florida Fund is the money I earn mowing at the office and what I get from working with Larry. Remember way back at the beginning of the year when I announced my 365-Day Money Saving Challenge? The aforementioned monies goes straight into that, which is stored nicely at the bank. And the best part is, I am keeping it up to date! It is currently up to $478.43! Now, before you get your math caps on, and tell me, "But Michael, with your plan, you should only have $473.78 today (or $475.51 for those of you in places that are already Monday, June 22, 2015)," I have an explanation. I only go to the bank once each week. I can't very well go every day an make deposits to my account (although, I would probably get those abs I've been wanting if I did ride the 20 miles each day). But regardless, I only go on Thursdays when I deposit my check. So, I make a week's worth of deposits all at once in one sum.
So, that's one reason why it's the amount it is. The other is that I have begun collecting interest on it! Yes, I have earned a whole 3¢ in interest so far. Yay! Yeah, I know it's not a lot. But it's money that I've been given, and that's all that matters.
Anyway, that's that. Now on to the good news I mentioned at the beginning. First is that I may no longer need to pay the storage unit fee. Mom said that when she gets a place of her own (with her boyfriend), she will put everything in the storage unit in the place. So that means I will be saving $43 each month. I've already stopped paying for her cell phone. She said she no longer needs me to do that, since Kevin earns enough money to pa for it himself. That's kind of where my video games come from, the $50 I am no longer spending on StraightTalk minutes.
More good news is that the friend I may have mentioned before that I'll be living near in Florida has gotten a job now. That will make it that much easier to get a job when I move down South. Provided he keeps this job until I get there, of course. But if he does, I may not have to work so hard in the job search process. I will be so glad if I can get a job straight away once we move. It will just put my mind at ease knowing that I won't have to use my Florida fund unless absolutely necessary.
So...yeah...I guess that's it on me rambling about money. This is the first time in a LONG time that I have had nearly $500. I just wanted to update everyone on how things are going financially, and to say that I am finally get back on track with everything. And it feels great to be doing so. Well, until next time...