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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

From "faggot" to "trashy"...Is that an upgrade???

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More Dad troubles today? He came home from church (I'm still shocked he hasn't been set on fire yet!), and as I was making lunch he starts talking about porn with my brother. Not the "degrading women" or "evilness of the industry" or "church says no to porn" discussions. But what scenes he liked, what the women looked like, etc. Now, Dad's TV room and the kitchen are not separated by anything. And since Dad is deaf (he has to have the surround sound on in order to hear the movie that was playing) he was basically yelling to my brother about porn. I did not want to hear about this stuff while making lunch, so I said "I don't need to hear about this," and went back to making lunch. Dad blew up at me.

"I can say whatever the F-word I want because this is my D-word house!"

"If you don't want to hear something, don't listen!"

etc., etc., normal Dad putting me down comments.

How am I supposed to not hear what you are saying if...

a) you are fifteen feet away from me
b) you are yelling what you are saying to someone
c) I have my hands busy making lunch so I can't cover my ears
d) there are no sound proofing between the two of us


Then he went to the store with my sister. When he came back I helped him bring in the groceries. Because of the rain, my shoes brought in a little mud. After the groceries were put away, I go to the bathroom to get a towel. As I am walking back to the kitchen, I hear Dad yelling again.

"I hate having to always clean up after you!"

"You must love living in filth! Look at your room!"

I asked him what he was yelling about now (as if I didn't already know), and explained to him that I went to get a towel and showed him the towel I had in my hand. As I was cleaning the floor, he proceeded to say I was trashy because my room was messy (it is a little). I told him that it was no worse than who he hangs around with, the Queen of Sleaze (a.k.a. Floozy ScumSack). After I finished, he was still running his mouth.

And all of this happened because I did not want to hear him talking about porn while I was making lunch. You would think the polite thing to do would be to wait until I was not in the room to talk about stuff like that.

Oh well. Another -10 points on the friendship scale between my father and me. That makes it -90. There is still love, but I feel more hatred toward him now.

Moving on...

I earned five more trophies in Star Ocean: TtEoT. They are the basic ones like finishing a battle within a certain amount of time, and stuff like that. I now have six total. I think I will play more later tonight. As for where I am at right now, I am in the underground shelter.

I have to tell you, I love looking at the insights of the Messenger's Facebook page. Being able to have all those statistics at my fingertips and not have to physically do the work to calculate them is great! It's even better now that I have them available because there were talks of closing it down because of lack of activity (exact words were "embarrassing" and "there is such a thing as bad publicity". Now I can show the results to the others and prove that we are really building an audience.

I appreciate all the support from you fellow TFFers. It is great to have support from around the world. The page now has support from dead people as well (not funny, but still). The next issue of the paper is featuring the obituary of someone who liked the page. Oh well, a like is a like until the profile gets deleted. But still, it's not funny. I have no idea why I am chuckling about it. So not funny.

Anyway, I would love to hear (or read) some suggestions on how to make the page better. The daily weather reports are really starting to bore me. I thought of making posts to make the audience think, like what I was doing the last week or so of 2012, but I haven't come up with anything since then. It should be something that also makes people want to read the physical newspaper.

Anyway, that's about it for tonight. I don't have any plans for tomorrow, except maybe watching it continue to rain. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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  1. Odin1199's Avatar
    Learn to ignore. Also use abit of cognitive behavioral therapy. Ask him if he'd marry a porn star or become one, if he so likes to talk about it and what would he feel if you became a porn star. Then ask him if he wants you to buy him an escort for his birthday and so you can both have a duo. If he starts objecting, ask him why not and tell him this is what you think he likes, when he talks about and praises porn. That might get him thinking what kind of impression he's giving you. Also do less to piss him off. When he tells you to clean your room, just do it. Beats having to listen to him every time. That'll also show him that you respect him and his house. Give and take, that's what it's all about.
  2. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    I see your point, but I could never do any of that. You see, I have given him love and respect my entire life. Even with the physical violence due to his bad habits and his own violent upbringing. When he went to prison, I stepped into my role as responsible adult without question. Then after he came back, he forgot all that he was taught in order to be released and returned the abusive person who cares for no one but himself. The promises I was told on how he would be a better father flew out the window when he came home.

    As for making him mad, I don't see how changing who I am to make his temperament better would benefit me. Yeah, it would mean a more pleasant life; but at the cost of who I am and what I value. I can't give anymore than I already do to remain sane and not start whacking people in the head with a pool cue. There isn't that much left in me to give at this point.
  3. Odin1199's Avatar
    Just try to find more common ground and get your dad to like you again. It might take time, but I think it's possible. See the good in your dad and he'll see the good in you. Then he won't get on the negative side as much. And about cleaning your room, he may just want you to be more organized and disciplined. Don't take it too offensively.
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