At first I thought it was a coincidence, but...
, 05-19-2013 at 07:54 PM (923 Views)
Now, I am not so sure.
I also just noticed that I had my fingers on the keys to the right of where they are supposed to be, and that first sentence, turned out like this...
Mpe. O s, mpy dp ditr/
That's what I get for improper finger placement.
Back to the title. I thought it was a little strange that every night before I have work, my brother would have his "girlfriend" stay over. I thought maybe it was just seeming that way because I only notice on the nights before I work. But I was wrong. It is only on the nights before I work that she stays over. I right everything down, everything I don't put into these entries. And my records show that it is ONLY on those specific nights that she is here.
Moving on...
I asked my brother to replace a couple spokes on my rear wheel this morning. He didn't come until about an hour ago, and then he did such a crap job on it that the tire is worse now than before. The rim is bent far worse than before, and it can't even do a full rotation without stopping.
What does my brother do when I tell him? Says to shut up, and leave him alone. Since he rode the bike from the garage to the house and "didn't notice anything wrong with it" he said that it will be okay. I guess I will have to deal with it tomorrow and have him try again after I get home from work. None of this would have happened if he had replaced them when I originally asked him to. I told him last Thursday when I finished my route, and he kept putting it off and putting it off.
I am looking into get a new bike. A brand new bike. If the weather holds up (it won't, I checked), then maybe I can go to Wal-Mart and get a new one. I could ask Grandma for a ride, and then just ride the bike home. Or something. If it wouldn't take so long for it to be shipped here (June 3), or if the shipping charges were cheaper (I am NOT paying $45 for them to ship it here RUSH), then I would just order it online.
It's not really that far to work. My problem is that I may have to walk up the hills instead of pedaling up them. Oh well.
My Dad is supposed to have his eye surgery tomorrow. Hopefully he is able to see what should be important to him and act like the father he should be. Haha! He won't, I have given up on hoping.
The phone rang once today, just once. I don't answer on the first ring. I guess whoever called dialed the wrong number, because it didn't ring a second time.
I watched Kiki's Delivery Service this evening. It was a good story. The only question I was left with when it ended was whether or not Kiki regained the ability to talk to Gigi again. I assume so, but I can't be sure. I have My Neighbor Totoro and Princess Mononoke as well to watch. I hope I like them as well. I have seen Ponyo, Howl's Moving Castle, and Spirited Away, and like each of those. I hope to watch all of the Ghibli films soon.
I did play Final Fantasy XIII today. But I am still not finished. I defeated Jabberwocky and Bandersnatch, to tell you where I am at in the game. I had to fight the battle three times in order to win. I wasn't having the best of luck Paradigm-wise. But I won, and now I am moving forward. Not tonight of course, but soon.
Tomorrow I am working in the office. I have to be there at 9am to help set up the second computer we are installing in the composing office (where I work). It is being set up so both screens will have the same screen. I haven't seen a set up like that since my high school days in Mathematics. My teacher had the entire room connected to show what was on his screen. I guess it's better than having Misty looking over my shoulder all day. Not that I mind.
Well, that's all for now. I have a movie (or two) waiting for me, so I will go and watch them. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...