A few more...
, 07-27-2014 at 04:48 AM (1061 Views)
I should have went ahead and worked with Larry Joe yesterday, because we didn't do anything until it was nearly dark outside. The new furniture came, and neither I nor Carma lifted any of it. And painting was held off until today, because Carma said she has to buy some more paintbrushes. We will also put up the border today as well. I did get some trophy hunting done. I only earned one more point, but I am setting myself up for some others. A few more dungeons, a few more skill books, a few more Shouts, a few more Souls.
Along with setting up in Skyrim, I also set up the Yojimbo trophy in Final Fantasy X HD. I am about 20,000 gil away from being able to obtain him. Then I am a couple Al Bhed Primers away from completing that one as well. Anyway, the score for this match is now 18-10. ShogunCroCop found some time to earn a couple trophies in L.A. Noire yesterday afternoon. There are eleven hours before the match ends, and I don't want it to be as close as it was last time. If I get time today, I will probably put in Jak II or Jak 3 and earn a couple quick trophies to extend the lead.
We had a storm last night. I was playing some multiplayer match in Call of Duty: Ghosts, when my PS3 shut itself off. When I ran the check to see if anything was corrupted, the lightning and thunder came. So instead of playing some more, I shut it off again. Of course, I couldn't get to sleep. So I just stayed awake doing nothing except petting Brutus. Then when he wanted out of my room, I let him out. That's when I had nothing to do. I don't know when I finally got sleep, but I feel like I could sleep a few more hours.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...