A few days, a few ramblings...
, 07-19-2014 at 03:27 PM (659 Views)
I must admit that I didn't hold my promise, and I bought some video games. One of them arrived today. Jak and Daxter Collection. I played and completed Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy in eight hours. It was fun getting to play this game again. It was also fun to earn trophies while playing. I was going to play it when the Trophy Hunting League started, but an update in the rules made games that could be completed in five hours ineligible for points. So, I played it before it started. But then another update made it eligible to play, because of how it is completed in more than five hours on the PSVita. But it still means that I won't get any points for it, because I played it before the competition started. I could have earned 88 points in the first match, and all for playing a game that I have been playing for several years.
I didn't sleep well on Wednesday night. In fact, I don't think I actually slept at all. I remember looking at the clock at 1:30am, and then I just decided to stay up and get ready for work. I arrived at the office at 3:38am, and was finished with everything at 9am. When I got back to the house, Carma and Joey had already left for the day. I didn't even notice until 45 minutes later. I had been walking around quietly and I didn't see that the Kia wasn't in the driveway.
It wasn't until after 6pm that evening that returned. In that time, I took a nap, and played video games. Not much was accomplished game-wise. I mainly just inched forward in Skyrim toward the remaining trophies. Then when they got back, it was back to normal activities. Basically, playing with Joey and keeping him out of Carma's way.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and Call of Duty: Ghosts arrived in the mail. I learned a valuable lesson as well. To not buy a used copy of ARR, because it will not work. I got my money back though. I was all excited to finally play the game, and now I have to wait until I get another copy. Or at least a code so I can actually play the game.
I went to bed early, and was able to sleep until Friday.
I rode my bike to Sinking Spring. I delivered the papers, and them started on my way to Peebles. On the way there, my brother stopped me, and took me the rest of the way. He dropped me off at the office. And the time I saved by hitching a ride was massive. I finished mowing the yard, deposited my check from Thursday (minus $20 for me), and went home.
When I arrived, Carma and Joey were getting ready for their trip to Cincinnati. They were going to be staying in a hotel and everything. I did not receive the invitation, I guess. It seems that maybe I am not as much family as I was told. You'd think that a family trip would include each member of the family. I wouldn't have gone, obviously, but it still would have been nice to be asked. Or maybe I would have gone, but just for the chance to meet people through 3DS Streetpass and receive some new puzzle pieces and Warriors in Mii Plaza.
After they left was when I finally got to take the nap I had been wanting for two days. And then after the nap I would mow the yard and everything would be fine until next week. But it didn't work out that way. I woke up to rain pouring down. My plans for mowing went away, and were replaced by playing video games. And that's how I spent the rest of Friday. Especially with the new copy of Ratchet and Clank Collection that arrived in the mail.
I woke up and started this entry. By 10am, I was still not finished. Then my phone rang, and Larry from next door was wanting me to help him with some stuff. I went down there, and have been there until 6pm. While I was working, Carma sent me a text message telling me to mow the yard. I sent her a message back saying that it was raining (it was raining) and that I was already busy working with Larry. But still, telling me to mow the yard instead of asking. Take someone for granted much?
As I said above, I finished working with Larry at 6pm. I was then given $56 for my time, and then Jackson and I went back to the house. Joey heard me riding up the hill, and he was outside in his pajamas waiting for me. Before I could even say hello he asked to play the PS3. I let him, and then I got my things ready for the shower I really needed. When I came back upstairs, the PS3 was abandoned, with Ratchet just standing there in the middle of the screen. That's when I logged Joey out of his profile, and logged myself in.
The Trophy Hunters League starts in 45 minutes, and right now my profile is showing my Trophy list. I am making some last-minute decisions on what I am going to play starting out. I am leaning toward Murdered: Soul Suspect and Jak II for this first match. The latter will most likely be used toward the end of the match should the former not net me enough points to win. I was thinking of using Ratchet and Clank for that purpose; but I tried playing it, and I haven't earned a single trophy yet. The most recent trophy I earned was riding a pig and making it get hurt while I was riding it in Minecraft. Anyway, I am hoping to perform well in the competition, and it seems like a lot of the other people also think I will do well. Several people have chosen me to be promoted to the Silver League after this season ends. I hope I can prove their predictions correct.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...