As far as I know, I only have to deliver tomorrow.
, 04-03-2013 at 06:29 PM (690 Views)
But, I can never be too sure of that. I did finish the Dairy Bar menu today. And the paper was completed as well. I also learned several new tricks with the ads as well. But I am hoping that I won't have to use them. They aren't the most approved tricks. At least not approved by the owner. Oh well.
Today I felt so uncomfortable in the office. Why? Office drama and Girl drama. I am not used to the two being mixed together in this way. It was not the most pleasant day at the office. When you have four women saying they're right, and are almost ready to bring out the claws, there is no way to win. Luckily, I was not involved in it, and I got to watch from the sidelines. Unfortunately, I got to watch from the sidelines, and was constantly asked to be the judge on who is right.
The thing is, I was there when the event in question occurred, and none of them were right. But I can't just say they're all wrong. After four hours of this (2pm), I had to step outside and breathe. There was too much estrogen in the air for one guy to deal with. After that, I went back in the office and was able to finish the day.
The lesson here is that being the only guy does have its disadvantages to go with the advantages. I don't know exactly what the advantages are, and I have spent years in this gender ratio (probably about 8 years). Maybe there aren't advantages. And this is something I deal with every 28 days or so.
All I can say is that I am glad I have video games to get my mind off these girl troubles I have.
Now if I could only find time to play video games!
I had another tutoring session with Joey this evening. Today to go along with his homework, we played on the dry erase board. We drew a house, and we filled the house with items that ended in -ing and -ug. So our house had a rug, a bug, a ring, and a chicken wing. Outside in the yard there was a swing.
Other than that, all I did while at home was check up on all my online stuff. I am saving up my Bonus Votes for Gaming King. Right now I am in 30th Place with 100 Votes. I found an entertaining Beauty/Style Vlogger to give votes to, but I am still searching for an overall category contestant. Not that it matters, the people I choose never win. Just think how the U.S. would be if my vote was the only one that mattered.
Anyway, that's all for now. I have to be up at 5am in the morning, so I will be heading to bed early. I hope to see you all around the forums, and until tomorrow...