Falling back a step...
, 07-29-2014 at 06:12 AM (667 Views)
The results are in from round 2. I defeated ShogunCroCop 33-10. As for the League, I am in second place. My current opponent, Havoc273, also won his round 2 match. So whoever wins this match will have a big advantage over the rest of the League. One of us will be the sole undefeated player, and one of us will join the rest of the League and have a 1 somewhere other than the Win column.
Statistically speaking, I am not far behind first place. Since we are currently tied in League Points, it came to Score to decide who holds the top spot. I am only five points behind Havoc273, with 103 points to his 108. Anyway, here's how things stand.
POS Player PL W D L SD Score Pts 1 Havoc273 2 2 0 0 42 108 6 2 me3lingual 2 2 0 0 31 103 6 3 nexus_x2007 2 1 1 0 27 74 4 4 X18JELLO18X 2 1 1 0 34 66 4 5 freddie1989 2 1 0 1 -3 61 3 6 TheLastSurvivorD 2 0 1 1 -26 44 1 7 ShogunCroCop 2 0 1 1 -23 36 1 8 KerplunkMB 2 0 1 1 -13 0 1 9 TJ-Yoshi 2 0 1 1 -34 0 1 10 cybershark91 2 0 0 2 -35 77 0
See? I am not faring too badly right now. But now that one day has already gone by, you may think differently. First, I did go and earn the remaining trophies in Murdered: Soul Suspect. That put me up 24 points to 0 against Havoc273. But then he went and earned 6 trophies in Alien Breed 2 (1) and Alien Breed 3 (5) for a total of 20 points. But he still hasn't updated the trophies to the site. The only reason I know about them is because he accepted my friend request, and so now I can see when and what he's playing. So the steam I had after earning those 24 points went away as quickly as the Platinum popped. Which, if you must know, was one-hundredth of a second after receiving the trophy I earned before the Platinum.
Since then, I have played two games and added another five points to my score, making it 29 points for me, and 20 unofficial points for Havoc273. I like how my graph for the match looks right now. My line is like a mountain, ever growing steeper. Havoc273's line is as flat as a dead person's. But in three hours, his profile will automatically update on the site. Then I will update the chart with his trophies, and his line will have life in it again. I am hoping that he doesn't play anything for the rest of the match, and his score stays at 20.
I have Jak 3 running right now. Since I still know the missions from playing the PS2 version, I can complete them quickly and earn some quick trophies. After that, I may go back and work some more on Final Fantasy X HD. I am not going to try for the Platinum in it, because it is way too difficult and will be impossible for me to get in two days. But if I can just get the remaining aeons, and maybe reach Sin, I should have enough points to win. I hope.
Moving on...
I was going to mow the yard yesterday evening after Carma and Joey left. But then it started raining. That's why I was able to get the Platinum trophy. It gave me some extra time to work on it. If the weather holds up today, I will mow the yard.
I was given a download code for Wario Land II for being a Gold Member in that club nintendo thing today. There were other choices, but I didn't like any of them. And I also earned my third Gym Badge in Pokémon X. I even received that Mega Ring thing, and can Mega Evolve Lucario and Blastoise now.
Other than that, not much has happened. So, I guess that is it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...