Falling asleep at the dinner table.
, 02-13-2014 at 10:51 PM (932 Views)
I went ahead and rode my new bike today for my route. And it was nice! It was such a smooth and fun ride. It would have been a perfect delivery day, had it been at least twenty degrees warmer. Grandma wasn't home when I got to her house, so I didn't get to show her how the new bike looks. Oh well, there's always next week.
Dad picked me up and took me to Sinking Spring today. He was heading that direction to drop off a truck for a customer, so I got to go and deliver there. Now I get the whole day tomorrow to do whatever, and not have to worry about riding in the new snow that is supposed to come tomorrow.
After eating lunch, I played some more of Final Fantasy XIII. I am now at the battle with Cid Raines. He is so mean, hitting my party as much as he does. I don't think it's fair that he gets to hit me so many times. I don't mean he should just take a beating, but he really needs to lay off on all of the Seraphic Ray things that deplete my HP so much.
I also played some more of Skyrim today, too. I managed to take the Skeleton Key back to the place it goes. So as soon as I do a bunch of thieving jobs for the Guild, I will officially be named the leader of the Thieves Guild, and earn the trophy. After that, I just have to pick sides in the war, and complete that story. I am leaning toward joining the empire right now. But I would like to know what everyone else chose. I could be swayed by your choices.
I am not sure there will be a Review Thursday this week. I haven't completed any games recently that I haven't already written about. I thought that the Tuesday entries would be the most difficult to write because sometimes there isn't a lot of news to write about for the entries. But I don't want to go a rambling entry where I talk about some random thing about gaming. I will have to think of another theme for Thursday entries. By the way, have you seen some of the recent changes I have done to my 3³ Gaming Blog? I have added special pages that act as directories for each of my daily entries. There's one for NEWSday, Review Thursday, and SaturPLAY. I have also set up translation widgets, and it has made it so much more accessible to the foreign readership. If you get the chance, or need something to pass the time, check it out.
The battery on my wireless mouse has run out of power, so I switched back to my other mouse. It feels so weird using it. It feels big and bulky compared to the wireless one. I will have to get some batteries soon.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...