It's not as fun as I thought it'd be.
, 10-02-2013 at 12:26 AM (823 Views)
I can't actually say that, as I haven't had a chance to actually play it. I am of course talking about GTA V Online. I have yet to get past the character creation screen. That part is fine, by the way. It's just pointless to have a character if you can't play though. But I will wait. Besides, there haven't been any rankings posted for the crews yet. What's the point of claiming that the crew you're in is the best, if there is no system in place that proves that?
In other news, I got The World Ends With You and Final fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift in the mail today. They seem fun.
Dad came by today, and he actually worked! Now, the money from the work he did will probably not go for the house, but at least he did something. I am actually not even sure that the vehicle he worked on is for a customer. For all I know, it could be for one of Floozy's kids. And then, there wouldn't be payment for that. I told Dad while he was here that I didn't have the full amount for this month's house payment, and he just shrugged it off as if it was nothing. And to him, it probably is nothing.
Well, tomorrow will be another day spent trying to play GTA V Online. I am now at 30% complete with the offline story. I also want to finish Xenosaga Episode I (which I have neglected for a couple days). I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...