Good morning!
, 02-27-2014 at 11:13 PM (1200 Views)
Okay so, I have been awake for ten minutes. I fell asleep sometime after 5pm, and woke up just a little bit ago (12:10am). I was really tired after coming home. I managed to stay up as long as I did because I had to feed the cats, and myself. After dinner this evening, I told Mom, "Well, now that the cats are fed, and I have eaten, I can go to sleep." And so I did. I must have been in a deep sleep, because I missed one call on my cell phone (just a telemarketer) and several calls on the land line. Oh well, I didn't want to talk to them anyway.
Anyway, I originally woke up at 3:30am this morning. No reason, just my body telling me to wake up. I guess it realized I forgot to set my alarm clock, and thought I needed to wake up in order to not oversleep. I put the cats out (U and Omega were sleeping in my room with me), but I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I spent the time until it was time to get up playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International. After some more wandering around Aeos and leveling up, and talking to every person at the base, I finally triggered the next cutscene. And now I am at a new world! A world where I now know why the PPP was put in place. That was a kind of spoiler, but those that have played other Star Ocean games will probably know what I mean.
Work today wasn't as bad as I was expecting, though it was still bad. The wind was brutal today. I was pedaling against the wind for half of the route. And it was a very cold wind, too. The sun was out and shining, but you couldn't feel any warmth from it. I finally finished, and as I was going back to the office to get my things, I noticed that one of the restaurants on Main Street had a Now Hiring sign in their window. So after gathering up my stuff and locking the shed, I went to the diner and applied to work there. It couldn't hurt to apply, after all. After that, I deposited my check, and rode to Grandma's.
As soon as I put the kickstand down on my bike, the wind blew it over, causing all of the papers in my basket to fly away. I gathered the 28 papers up, and had to go into the churchyard to get all of them. The wind was blowing that hard. It was like in the movies, I would bend down to pick up a paper, and the wind would blow it away again. That wasn't how I wanted to end my workday, believe me. But I got that done, and went in Grandma's house and talked with her. She was doing some spring cleaning, and had all of her glass trinkets on the kitchen table and washing them. Dad was there as well, and he asked me if he could take me home. So, I let him. I was perfectly capable of doing so myself, but I allowed him to have the honor of being my driver. I was just doing my good deed for the day, letting some poor soul (Dad) do something that he would otherwise not be entitled to do. After all, he doesn't perform any of his other fatherly duties.
And now I have come back around to when I fell asleep. I had salmon and shrimp for dinner, and the juice from the salmon was given to the cats with their dinner. Let's see, what else is happening. Well, I entered a couple Hearthstone tournaments. The first takes place Friday evening, and the second one on Sunday. I am not very good at the game, being only a Rank 20. But I figured it'd be nice to play in a tournament. The tournament tomorrow has only 8 participants right now, so I have a 12.5% chance of winning. I don't expect to win, because I only play for fun. And the one on Sunday, it has 48 participants right now. The Sunday one has a $100 prize for the winner, so naturally that one would have more interest. A friend of mine is also signed up to compete in it, but won't actually be participating. He's working at the time it takes place. I told him that I hope I go up against him in the first round, so that way I'd get an auto-win. I think he's at Rank 4 or 5 right now. It's not the best way to win, but a win is a win, right?
Anyway, tomorrow I am riding to Sinking Spring. Or rather, I am hitching a ride with my brother and Mom to Sinking Spring. Then I will get out with my bike, deliver the papers, and then ride back home. They will be going to Hillsboro to Mom's parole meeting. I will be up for a while, because I am not that tired now. I might play Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...