I am not sleepy when I should be.
, 07-24-2013 at 07:56 PM (729 Views)
Let's see, what happened today? I received a copy of Dark Cloud in the mail. I really like the game. It is much better than I thought when I was told about the game last year. Before, I was all "Re-building towns and making them the way you want them? That's stupid!" But now that I have played it some, I take back those words and embrace the game's unique mechanic. Now, if only I would remember to save more often. I saved before I entered the Divine Beast's Cave, and then I didn't save again. So now I have to go and get all those things I had again.
I have two Gym Badges in Pokemon White. The battle was really easy once I caught Throh and Timburr. I also looked up the next Leader's preferred type, and I will be preparing for it when I start playing again. Right now, I am in the forest chasing after the thieves who stole the dragon's skull. The skeleton the skull was from looks like a Dragonite, but I could be wrong. After all, other than the ones I have seen so far in this game, I have no idea what the Pokemon look like. The only one I know of that I haven't caught yet is the one the looks like a bag of garbage.
I had another tutoring session with Joey today. And again, I wasn't paid for it. His grandfather says I will be paid tomorrow, and he has always been true to his word when it comes to paying me. And Friday marks the 1-year anniversary of my sister borrowing money from me. So in a couple days it will be a whole year that I have gone without the money she borrowed.
I know that it will be so much easier to plan out my purchases once I am paid what I'm owed. Right now, I am able to manage all of my expenses this month and still have roughly $20 left over. When I get what I'm owed, I will not have to worry so much, and be without this dreadful feeling in my stomach for one more month.
Tomorrow I will be delivering in town. The weather is supposed to be really comfortable, so there shouldn't be anything hindering my route. The only thing I have to worry about now is getting to sleep tonight. I was really tired all day today, but I didn't nap because I wanted to get to bed early tonight. But now I am wide awake, and I feel like I could take on the day (or rather, night). So my plan for after I post this is to either play a game or find something I could watch to make me tired again.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...