Does she not want to be with me anymore...?
, 06-06-2014 at 10:22 AM (1133 Views)
I was one mile from completing my residential route yesterday, and I heard this hissing sound. It was the air escaping my now worn out rear tire. There was a dime-sized hole in the rubber, and I was unable to ride the bike. So I sent Mom a message about the news, and she met me a few minutes later. Together we delivered the last 100 papers to the houses. Then I got Hannah to help me deliver to the south side businesses. I then walked my bike to where Mom was staying, and we delivered to the North side businesses. The original plan was to get the mountain bike out of the storage unit, but I forgot my tools at home. So I left my bike with Mom, and we told my brother to take it with him after he finished work. When Mom and I reached the post office, we waited for Carma to come and pick me up. I had called her beforehand and asked for her current location. I was planning on walking home, and if she were to come through, would she pick me up. But she said to just wait, and she'd pick me up there.
After Carma came, we went to get Joey. He was staying with family while I was working. Then we stopped at the dairy bar. And when we got home, Carma went to bed and I was left to watch Joey. We played some video games. When it came time to feed the animals, I let Luca loose while untwisted her chain, just like I always do. This time though, she ran away. I called and called, but she wouldn't come back. I rode my bike everywhere looking for her. My fear was that she ran over to the old house. Carma and Joey went in the car and found her a few miles away. As punishment, I am no longer letting her loose when I untwist her chain. I get the leash out and put her on it instead.
I took care of Joey last night. And every word that came out was a lie, that it made me fed up with him. It wasn't him that left the front door wide open and let the cat out. It wasn't him that hid the house phone at 11pm when he was in bed. It wasn't him that left every light on in the house when he walked through to the bathroom. It continued this morning as well. I just turned myself off, and gave him one-word responses. I didn't allow him to do anything he wanted, if that involved him being in my room. Carma asked the two of us to clean up the play room downstairs because we are going to use it for a storage room soon. Instead of helping, he goes out to play. Then later, he comes down and says he wants to watch television in there. But it wasn't him that left the TV on in his room.
I rode to Sinking Spring to deliver this morning. It was the best ride ever, because it allowed me to away from Joey for forty minutes. I wish I could have been out longer.
Murdered: Soul Suspect and Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy arrived in the mail today. I asked Joey if I could try out the latter on his 3DS, since my 3DS has yet to arrive. But he said that the battery was dead. I will just have to wait for mine to arrive. The manual is really nice to read. And I am really glad that it came with a manual. I like reading game manuals. If I had the space, I would grow a bunch of trees, just so they could one day become game manuals. This whole electronic manual thing is the worst thing about being green.
Well, I don't know what I am doing for the rest of the day. I have already done my part on cleaning up the playroom. Joey still has to choose which toys he wants to keep. Tomorrow we're pulling the carpet up in one of the rooms. Other than that, I am going to try and finish Branch D of Drakengard 3, and get started on the review. It will be easier to get in some playing time now that I am no longer letting Joey come in my room. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...