So, Dad's mad.
, 11-05-2012 at 08:23 PM (1700 Views)
And not at me. I was Facebook just a little bit ago, and noticed an update on my brother's wife's page. Basically, it was from the Steve Wilkos show and she tagged herself in them. Then there were some comments on them. Maranda and her Mom were trashing my brother some more, as if getting trashed on the actual show wasn't enough. So I ran to Dad's room (he was about to go to sleep) and asked him if he would like to see the latest on the whole situation. He agreed and came to my room. I read him the comments, and he was calling Maranda all kinds of bad names. Then, I showed him the Youtube video. I thought that Dad was going to punch the computer screen, that's how mad Dad was. He was so mad, he couldn't get to sleep.
We talked about it some, and then Dad called my brother to ask how he is. I was told to pull the comments back up so I could tell my brother. He says he's doing fine. Dad is planning a trip to Dayton to see my brother and take him back here. My brother does not need to be anywhere near all that negativity.
Now to some other news, like newspaper news. I kicked butt selling ads today! But before that. I got to the office at 9:14 am. I then took a box of stuff to the recycling bin. I would have taken more, but the bin was overflowing. People had started to just leave their recycleables outside of the bin altogether. I put my stuff in the bin, and went back to the office. At 9:50, I went up to the porch to wait for Gabby to show up. She is always the one wo unlocks the door. She didn't show up. The office was supposed to open at 10. It didn't. If I had a key, I could have. It was nearly 10:30 when Gabby showed up. I was seriously thinking of going home or to the library. If she hadn't gotten there, I would have. Anyway...
I got my desk ready for the day's work. I am not only in my own office, but now there is a curtain separating my office from the rest of the building. This is great! I love being cut off from the rest of the staff. And I took advantage of it. Before the boss showed up I sold four ads. This week's special in ads was 1/16th ad for $5. I did pull some strings with my family in getting one of them. I also got an ad from a business that never advertises. And why? Because I deliver to the business on Thursdays. And it is somewhere I actually spend money. They know me, and it makes sense to use that relationship to my advantage.
I even got to leave ten minutes early. On the way home, I saw Dad at the gas station. I pulled in and put my bike in the bed of the truck. Then we went home.
And because all the businesses will be closed next Monday, I am working in the office this Friday to get some sales in for our Letters of Thanks edition of the paper. Feel free to call me up at the office on Friday and place an ad. I could always use the business. It keeps me from playing Tetris on my phone, or whatever GameBoy game I bring, or completing several (er, ten) Sudoku puzzles in my book.
Let's see, what else is there?
Oh yeah! I watched The Reader for the second time this morning before work. I really like its story. I can't help but feel sad after watching it though. And I watched the first half of The Soloist this evening after dinner.
I completed a couple missions in GTA: Vice City today after coming home. I am at 23% complete in the game. I bought a few properties with some of the money I saved up. I think I had $90,000+ before I bought the Ice Cream factory, The Strip Club, and a Safe House.
I really need to sit down one weekend and play a Final Fantasy game from start to finish. You know, just stick with the story, no side quests. Just so I can say that I finished one this year. I think I will take advantage of having Internet at home so I can look up how to win the battle in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I just know I am close to finishing it. That, and Final Fantasy III. I am so close. I may even look up help in killing that Lavos Spawn in Chrono Trigger.
Also, I just thought I'd update you all on what programs I am getting for my computer. I got some of the names wrong on them.
Here's what is coming with the new computer:System Shield Antivirus and AntiSpyware
Quicken Willmaker
Quicken Legal Business Pro
World's Best Boardgames
Cook'n with Betty Crocker
Britannica Family Encyclopedia
Here's what I am getting from that deal I told you about:Anime Studio Debut
Brittanica Family Encyclopedia
CheckIt Registry Cleaner
Corel Office
Easy Video Editor
Family Tree Heritage Platinum
Hoyle Puzzle & Board Games
Mahjongg Deluxe
Resume Maker Professional
RoboForm Everywhere Password Manager & Form Filler (Includes 1-year Subscription)
Search and Recover
Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist
Serif PagePlus Essentials
Serif PhotoPlus Essentials
Serif WebPlus Essentials
StuffIt Deluxe
Sudoku 1000 Unlimited
Typing Instructor Platinum
And finally, here's what I already have:
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Bullguard Internet Security 8.0
Eudora Pro Email
Financial Power Tools
iAnnotate-it 2
iCapture-it 2
iOrganize-it 2
Kool Karaoke
MusicMatch Jukebox 8.2
OfficeReasdy Professional 3.0
OpenOffice 2.0
Quicken Legal Business Pro 2006
Quicken Willmaker Plus 2006
RealOne Player
Surado Smart Home Manager 3.0
Enclopedia Brittanica 2006
I also have a few others, but my Aunt is using them with her computer. She has been meaning to bring them back, but keeps forgetting to do so.
Yeah, I am getting some of what I already have, but what I don't have is still worth a lot more than what I am paying for the whole group. The offer said that the 20 Program bundle is normally sold for $129.95, and I am getting them for only $29.95. I mainly bought the bundle just for the Anime program. If any of you have any comments or criticisms about these programs, feel free to tell me. I could use the advice on them and whether theyare any good.
Well, that's about it for tonight. Hope to see you around the forums!