"It must suck knowing that while I am around, you will always be in my shadow" - R.V. (B.A.J.)
, 06-29-2013 at 07:05 PM (628 Views)
My cousin's birthday was yesterday. As a present to him/her (he's transgendered, I have mentioned her before), I am titling this entry after his most used quotes. While we were growing up, he, our two friends, and myself were part of a performing team. The four of us were always together, preparing for the competitions. His favorite thing to say to our opponents was the above quote, and really it was quite accurate. If we were competing, then there was no way any other team would win.
I stopped performing with them one year before the others did, having chosen to advance to the judging aspect of the competitions. It was a win-win for both the team and myself. I became the first person to in the competition's history to be both a judge and contestant. And it gave the team a closer look on how they are judged.
Anyway, the phrase still stands. No matter what the "haters" (which is a term I can't stand but is the only one that fits) try to do to take the spotlight away, they will forever remain in the shadows. It can't be helped. The spotlight goes where I go, and there's nothing that can be done to change that. The spotlight, after all, is from within; illuminating the stage.
I had to remind a friend going through a tough time of this today. She was having a whole bunch of stuff thrown at her by some person trying to make her look bad. This person seems to get off on trying to drag people through the mud. One group gets told one thing, and then the next group is told something worse. Both groups aren't told even ten percent of the truth. It's just that the person is starving for attention, and is trying to get people to side with her and to discredit my friend. Fortunately for me, I was in both of these groups and am able to see who the person really is.
But yeah, she just forgot that her spotlight came from within, and the stage was hers to be on. Sometimes everyone has to be reminded of that. No matter what one person says about me, this is my stage, and my time to shine. No lying schemer is going to be able to change that.
Moving on...
I took my bed out of my room today. I don't sleep on it anymore, and so there's no reason for it to take up space in my room. My room now looks like a sitting room or game room, but it seems a whole lot happier now that the bed is gone. I even brought in a chair that I have had in my sink room for years. I like the chair a lot, but since we moved here in 2005 there has never been any room for it in my room. Now I have plenty of space for it, and I am back to enjoying its comfort and neatness.
I finished the Knights of the Nine quest in Oblivion today. I don't think it was as fun as it could have been. Maybe it was because I did the whole thing straight out of the gate (literally, because the sewer has a gate on it). It didn't challenge me at all. You walk to the shrines, then you fight demons and ghosts. And because you are Level 1, they aren't difficult to defeat. Then you travel to get items, and fight more demons. Though you are now Level 3, they are still as strong as melted butter. A little later, you finish the quest and the world is saved! And that's it.
I thought about going over to start the Sheogorath DLC quest thing, now with my fancy enchanted Knight of the Nine equipment. But then I thought it would be just as fun to start an entirely new game. And since I will be starting the challenge on Monday, I won't have to be invested in the story of Oblivion at all. Since Sonic will be my first character of the challenge, I can be as good or as bad as I want while playing Oblivion today.
I bought what I thought was The Sims 3 yesterday online. It turns out that I bought The Sims 3 Pets. I am trying to look at it on the good side. Pets are fun! I don't know if computerized pets on a game like The Sims 3 would be very entertaining. Anyway, it was my own mistake for not reading the entire item description before hitting the buy button.
Well, that's all for now. Tomorrow I will be doing the final preparations for the beginning of the challenge. I will be posting a gaming blog entry, so be sure to check it out tomorrow evening. I may make a video on it for my channel as well.
I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...