A Day I Needed
, 01-04-2013 at 08:41 PM (836 Views)
I woke up at 7am this morning. At 8, Dad left to go cut firewood. I was not asked to go, and I wouldn't have gone if I had been asked. Then at 10 my brother woke up and left to spend a day with his girlfriend (as if all night in his bed wasn't enough). So, I was left alone.
Dad came back in the early afternoon. He spent the rest of the day in his room watching movies. My sister came by with groceries. After she left, Dad said that we didn't get anywhere near our allotted amount. This is after she said several times that because she didn't receive a list she would be going back to get what we still need.
Later in the evening, Floozy came over. After a while, she left. Dad came to my room and handed me the phone. He said that Floozy was going to go to my sister's and gripe at her (Dad said she was going to B-Word at her) for not giving us more food, and that my sister would probably be calling us later. I asked him why it was any of Floozy's business what our family does. After all, none of the food that is purchased with our assistance money is meant to feed her. Then Dad went on the offensive with the usual volley of bad names for me. He managed to not become violent, and stormed off. A few minutes later, he went to bed, slamming his bedroom door.
*Correct me if I'm wrong, but if Dad is frustrated with how much or how little we received, shouldn't it be Dad that goes to ask my sister about it? Why would some drug-using welfare cow go in his place? And why does he always attempt to make me feel bad (either my feelings, my physical body, or both) when I point these things out to him? Back to the story...
Now, I type faster with a keyboard than I do my cellphone, so I went to my E-mail and sent my sister a text message. I warned her that Floozy was on her way to gripe at her. Thank goodness that my E-mail now keeps record of SMS conversations.
Jan 04 9:02 PM
Michael Swayne:Just to warn you, Floozy is on her way to you to gripe at you.
Jan 04 9:02 PM
Michael Swaynead said to her that you didn't get us nearly enough groceries.
Jan 04 9:03 PM
Kerry:I told dad that i will go back to the grocery store i jus didn't have a list of groceries
Jan 04 9:04 PM
Michael Swayne:That's what I told him, but then he started in on me with the name calling. And all I asked him was why it was any of Floozy's business.
Jan 04 9:11 PM
Michael Swayne:My suggestion is that you tell Floozy what's what and that she jump off a cliff.
Floozy's meddling is not doing anything at keeping our family together. This just shows that Dad is putting Floozy ahead of his children and the life that is good for him. That might be a bit too harsh, but right now I can't really think of a nicer way to put it.
The truth is, I really, really, really do not like my Dad. When he came back in September, things were okay. Not great, not super; just okay. Then when Floozy started coming over more and more frequently and he would lie and say that there was nothing going on, I wished he had never come home. That is because he was treating this house as his own, and treated me as he did back before he went to prison. He would say that this was all of our's house; but when he would get upset, the house was his (which it isn't) and that he was the only one that has ever paid a bill or finished a chore (which he isn't). Now, I want him to one day be with Floozy, get in some accident that causes him to be mortally wounded, and then the singular thought in his mind as he dies to be that I was right and that he should have chosen to put his family first instead of his need for sexual gratification and revenge against my Mom (yes, both of those things in his last thought).
Let's put this another way. If this were a relationship on The Sims 2, my score with Dad would be -75, maybe -80. It will be take a lot of Talk, Kicky Bag, and Tell Joke to get me back up to 0 with him, let alone +40 when we become friends. I have tried to meet him halfway with this several times, but he just continues to push me away.
Both of my birthday presents are in Columbus right now. The second one arrived an hour ago. So, they will most likely be in my hands on Monday. It's quite possible that my new copy of The Sims 2 will be here tomorrow, as it arrived in Columbus at 2am this morning. If it departed for Peebles this morning, it may be already in town just waiting to be sorted. As for the other game, I think it will be here on Monday.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until tomorrow...